10. Coming Back to Reality

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Chapter Ten

*Coming Back to Reality*


School went by quick. Lunch was like being interrogated by the cops, because Mya and Olivia wouldn't stop asking Aideen and I questions about how we became a couple.

"Of course David would say such a thing!!" Mya said while rolling her eyes.

"Damn Mya you say that with so much hate. Why?" Olivia said raising an eyebrow at her.

"Ohh... Umm... I don't know.. I was umm just saying. I have to go, I have to go talk to one of my teachers bye see you guys after school." She said getting up and walking away.

What was all that about? It was almost like she was nervous and trying to get herself out of something. Weird.

When school was over we all met up by Aideen's car.

"Hey so um Nikki I know you don't want to think about this right now that you're so happy but..... Can I ask you a question without you getting mad?" Mya said.

"Yeah go ahead Mya." I said getting kinda worried.

"What's going to happen when you move away?" Mya said.

BOOM reality just hit me.

I was so happy with Aideen and I becoming a couple, that I totally forgot about that. What was I going to do when I moved away?

"Yeah she has a point Nikki, you haven't even told us where you're moving or when." Olivia said.

They were right I hadn't even let them in on the details.

"Hey, come on now. Don't bring her down like that." Aideen said with sadness filling his eyes.

"No it's fine Aideen, they're right we should talk about this. All of us. How about we go to my house?"

Once we all agreed to meet at my place, we all took off.


The ride home with Aideen was quiet. We were both lost in our own little worlds. He was probably thinking about the same thing I was thinking about.

Why did I have to be moving away when my life was going so well?

I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I took it out of my back pocket to see that I had a new text message from Mya.

"Hey me and Olivia are going to stop at the store you want anything?"

Without even asking Aideen if he wanted anything, I quickly texted her back saying

"No thanks see you in a bit."

When I looked up, I noticed we were now parked in my parking lot. Getting out of the car I made my way to the front door with Aideen following close behind. He broke the silence we had going on by saying "Is anyone home?"

"No it doesn't look like it." Hopefully I was right unlike last time.

Walking in, I placed my bag down and quickly walked to my kitchen.

"Do you want anything?"

"No." Was all he said. Making no eye contact with me. He was obviously upset. And I had a pretty darn good idea about why he was.

"Aideen what's wrong?" I said wrapping my arms around him, getting him to finally look at me in the eyes.

"Nothing. Let's just wait for Mya and Olivia to get here." He said as he pulled himself away from me.

"Why are you doing this to me Aideen? You think this isn't hard for me or what?"

Just when he was about to answer me, the door bell ringed and the door swung open.

"Sorry we took long, Mya wouldn't hurry up." Olivia said taking a seat on the couch, munching away on her chips.

"Did we miss out on something?"

"No I was just telling Nicole that we should just wait for you two to get here so she can tell us and get this over with."

Ouch. His words hurt me a little. He said it like it had no importance. Waisting no time I went right to the point.

"I'm moving to Illinois when this school year is over which is in two weeks or I might move even sooner then that."

"Wow thanks for just throwing a bomb on us like that." Mya said throwing her hands up in the air. While Olivia just sat there completely shocked.

"BY THE END OF THIS SCHOOL YEAR? AND YOU JUST TOLD US THIS??" Aideen said putting his hands through his hair looking frustrated.

"YES AIDEEN DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID?" I yelled at him, feeling my eyes getting watery.


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