14. Holding Back

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Chapter Fourteen

*Holding Back*


Oh my god why does David always have to walk in on a bad time.

"Nicole what is he doing here?" David said walking in standing next to me not taking his eyes off of Aideen.

"Im here to talk to your sister... In private." Aideen said throwing the towel on the floor with all his strength. I could tell he was getting mad. This wasn't going to end well at all.

"You had the chance to talk to her but you decide to just walk out on her so get the hell out of here!"

"David! Stop! Why did you even come to my room in the first place?''

"Well I was just here to let you know mom and dad left to a business dinner. But I was actually coming to make you some company."

"Nikki we need to talk please." Aideen said acting as if David wasn't even in the room.

"Umm didn't you just hear that I said you had the chance and didn't take it so you can leave now!"

"Well I'm not leaving unless Nicole wants me to!"

Before they would continue on with this "fight" I stepped in between them pushing them away from eachother.

"Ok both of you stop it! Grow up you two! You guys are acting like little five year olds!" David completely ignored everything I had just said to both of them and continued arguing.

"Nicole what are you waiting for? Tell him to leave."

Seriously? How old was my brother? He's nineteen and acts like a child.

"Nicole you don't have to listen to him. Because I'm pretty sure you do want to talk to me."

"Thats is!" David said grabbing Aideen by the shirt and trying to pull him out of my bedroom.

Oh my god this isn't going to end well. I thought to myself.

And before I knew it, Aideen took a swing at Davids face, causing him to release the grip on his shirt.

"GUYS! STOP! STOP FIGHTING!" at this point David was on top of Aideen punching him furiously on the face and also on the stomach.

"David stop it!" I yelled taking a hold of his hand before he was able to punch Aideen again. Aideen sat up holding his stomach and cleaning the blood off his face with his other hand. He looked so fragile that I quickly ran to his side to help him.

"See what you've done? Get out of my room ill talk with you later." I said looking at David.

Unlike Aideen, He didn't look half as bad as he did. All David had was a bloody lip. David walked out of my room without saying a single word. Focusing all of my attention back to Aideen, I noticed he was already standing up. Grabbing him by the hand I said,

"Come, let me clean the blood of your face."

Walking into my bathroom I motioned him to take a seat on the toilet.


"Shhh don't talk." I told him while cleaning the blood off his nose and lip. Aideen jumped when he felt the sting of the rubbing alcohol touch his cut on his lip.

"Sorry Sorry!" I said moving my hand away from his face a little.

"Its ok keep going." He said taking hold of my free hand.

Continuing, I leaned in closer noticing how much I missed his soft lips pressed on mine, I guessed he noticed me looking at his lips becauseI felt him lean in closer.

"Umm... I ummm--"

"Shhh" He said pressing his forehead on mine. When he was about to close the space in between us I moved my face away from him and broke the silence.

"Ok Im done now.....You should probably get going." I said standing up giving him my back.

From the corner of my eye I can see him looking down while giving a loud sigh.

"Yeah you're right, I should leave before your parents get back."

When I was about to start walking out from my bathroom, I felt a pair of hands take hold of my hips.

"Wait Nicole before I leave just let me say something." He said turning me to face him as he got closer to me.

Oh lord jesus! Is he going to kiss me? What if he does? Should I let him?

No you idiot! If you let him he's going to think everything between you two is okay with just a simple kiss.

Removing his hands off my hips I said "Okay you can tell me tomorrow because Im sure my parents are going to get home any time now."

"Okay fine we wan just talk tomorrow, Ill pick you up."

"No you don't have to pick me up I can--"

"Im not taking no on that one." he said with a serious look on his face.

"Fine then Ill see you tomorrow morning." I said opening the door so he could leave. He walked closer to me making me grow tense inside. God! was I dying to kiss him, but I couldn't. At least not right now.

"Aideen please just go." I said turning my head to the ground. and with that said he left making me feel relief now that he was gone.


So do you guys think David is a little over protective?

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