46. Why Now?

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"Oh it's good to have you back!" My mom said to Mya as she walked in the house.

"Thank you! It's nice to be back now!" Mya said to her.

I just sat there and watched. But once I saw David walk in with the baby I got up and made my way over to them. He gave her to Mya, so he could go get some stuff from the car.

"Can I hold her?" I asked her.

"Umm....yeah just be careful." She said handing me her over.

"What's her name?" she's so beautiful.


"Hi Chloe, it's your aunt Nikki!" I said to her. She moved in my arms.

"Hey listen Nicole, I want to apologize for the stuff I told you. I have no right to tell you who you can't or can date. I'm really sorry."

"I wanted to apologize for the stuff I said too. I shouldn't have said that, but then you also shouldn't have said what you said....... It's okay though I forgive you." I said looking at her, while rocking Chloe slowly.

"I understand why you said that though it was wrong of me, I just hope we can move on from that?"

"Yes we can." I smiled at her.

"Thank you." she said patting me in the back.

"Oops I think this little one just pooped..." I said while I wiggled my nose. "here you go, Aunt Nikki does not change dippers." I gave her back to Mya.

"Oh but you will when we have ours." I heard someone say from behind me. It was Eric walking in with David.

"Oh shut up!" I said jumping on him for a hug. "I missed you." I whispered to him and then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He put me down and kissed me real quick. "I missed you too, even though we see each other everyday."

I wrapped my arms around his waist before looking over at David. "Congrats David."

"Thank you..... I'm sorry for not seeing you when you were in the hospital... it was stupid of me."

"When aren't you stupid?" I said. Eric pinched me. "Ouch.... but it's okay David. I had Eric there with me, so I wasn't alone for most of the time."

"Thanks for looking after her, I'm so glad she has someone like you." David said looking at Eric.

We walked over to the living room and watched some tv. Mya joined us a couple minutes later, but without Chloe.

"I'm glad you finally forgave them." Eric whispered to my ear and then kissed me on the cheek. I looked up at him and kissed him quickly because I didn't want to make David and Mya feel uncomfortable if I kissed him longer. But then I saw that those two were kissing like if we weren't even in the room with them.

So I kissed Eric again only this time it wasn't a quick one. I mean if they can kiss then we can too.

"Wow this tv show is sure interesting, isn't it Olivia?" I heard someone say making me pull back from the amazing kiss me and Eric were sharing.

"Oh hey you guys came!!" Mya said getting up and going up to hug Olivia and Aideen.

Who even let him in? Eric pulled me closer to him once he saw Aideen. I felt him get tense once Aideen sat next to me.

"You're with cutie now?" Olivia said taking a seat.

"Sadly yes she left me for him." Aideen answered.

"Please Aideen, did you come here to see Chloe or to do this?" I said.

"Wow. Chill dude stop holding her so close to you." Aideen said looking at Eric's hand that was holding me by the hips. "But you're right I'm here to see Chloe. Where is she?" He turned his
attention to where Mya was.

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