28. Bad Idea

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Chapter twenty eight

*Bad Idea*


Nicole's POV

"Shouldn't we wait until it's like dark out?" I asked him as he drove to who knows where.

"By the time we get there it will be dark."

"I don't think this is a good idea anymore..... maybe we should go back." I said nervously.

"Are you backing out already?" he said trying to sound surprised.

"No but... I've already proven that I can do anything."

"And how is that?" he said glancing over at me.

"Getting in my car with a stranger that I met in the park.... and lets not forget that I don't even know your name." And just now it hit me. I'm so stupid for getting in my car with a stranger. For all I know he may take me in the woods and kill me.

"Ehh I guess you have a point.Hey by the way do you ever bother putting gas??" he said sounding a little more concerned.

"Why?!?" I said trying to see how much gas was left.

"Well... because I think we might run out of it...." he said pulling over to the side of the road.

"Oops! my bad!..... OH MY GOSH WAIT WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?!?" I asked panicking.

"Will you calm down? Don't worry just check your phone to see where's the nearest gas station." he said leaning back on the seat.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. "ITS NOT TURNING ON!!" I said showing him as I pressed it again and again. "Don't you have your phone?!"

"NO! If I had it I would have already used it genius." he said.

"WELL WHERE IS IT?" This is bad! What are we going to do!?

"One of my friends took it with him. Why are you panicking?" he said finally turning to me.

"Because..... I don't know you but yet in here with you...... and how are my parents going to know who I'm with..... and it's getting dark!"

"Well, I'll tell you one thing... Im not a killer or anything like that princess." he said smirking.

I froze when I heard him call me Princess. All of the sudden I started to hear Aideen call me princess over and over again in my head.




"Hey are you okay?" he said looking some what concerned.

"Don't ever call me princess again!" I said all of the sudden feeling this horrible pain in my stomach, like if someone just stabbed me. If he wasn't at my house, I would probably be with Aideen. But no I had to make a stupid decision and pick this moron instead of Aideen. I hate myself sometimes. Not all the time, just sometimes.


"Because!! You just can't okay!?!" I said opening the door to get out of the car.

"Okay okay. Look just stay in the car I'll go look to see if there is anything close by." he said getting our of the car after me.

"I'm going with you." I said walking up to him.

"No you aren't. You need to stay here with your car."

"I'm going with! I will not stay here in the middle of nowhere. And plus I'm a girl what if a creep stops?" I said already walking forward.

"Fine but if something happens to your car it's on you not me." he said.

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