7. Being Called his Princess

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Chapter Seven

*Being Called his Princess*


After spending the rest of the afternoon with Aideen, it was time for me to head home.

It was already dark out so I was wishing my parents would be home so I wouldn't have to deal with David. Once we reached my parking lot Aideen said, "Do you want me to come in with you just in case your brother is there?"

"No it's fine, I can handle him." Please don't let him be home!

"Are you sure? Because I'm totally ok with making you some company while your parents get home that's if they aren't back already." He said with a smirk on his face and leaning in to give me a kiss.

"Yeah I'm sure it's ok. Plus the lights are off, so that probably means David isn't home." I just hope this time I was right.

"Alright my princess go get some sleep. Oh and I'll be picking you up tomorrow morning."

Princess?!? Aideen just called me his princess!! Causing me to start feeling butterflies in my tummy.

"Goodnight Aideen and ok I'll be waiting." And with that said I gave him a goodnight kiss and made my way up to my front door without glancing back at him.

But before I had the chance to unlock the door, I felt someone grab me by the arm.


"Oh my god please don't do anything to me!!" I said as I closed my eyes while being pulled around to now be face to face with who ever this was.

When I opened my eyes I was surprised to see who it was. It was the one and only......

Aideen Johnson.

"What are you doing here? You scared the hell out of me!! Didn't you just leave like a minute ago?" I said leaning my back on my front door.

"Yes but you left without giving me my goodbye kiss." He said making a puppy face while getting closer to me putting his hands on my hips.

"Yes I did! You loser" I said laughing as I hit him on the chest. "Aideen are you crazy or what? For all I know David can be inside waiting for me to come in."

"Ok fine, I'll let you go in but first you....."

"First I have to what?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh I'm pretty sure you know exactly what I came back for princess. As a mater of fact I already said what I wanted."

"And what if I don't--" before I could finish I felt two pair of soft lips pressed on mine. I, once again responded immediately kissing him back.

Pulling away after awhile and pushing him away from me and turning around to open my door.

"Goodnight Aideen."

"Goodnight my beautiful princess."


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Don't forget to eat corn my beautiful people lol

You know who you are! ;) lol

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