8. Parents I Swear

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Chapter Eight

*Parents I Swear*


This morning wasn't even a drag for me to get ready for school. Once I got out of the shower, I picked out my outfit for the day today. I decided I would wear my dark blue jeans and a pretty yellow blouse that matched perfect with my new yellow flats.

This summer I had this addiction over flats. I had flats in every possible color there can be. I was crazy when it came to shoes.

As I was getting ready I decided to go light on my makeup, making my hair look fabulous with some loose curls. I was sure to leave Aideen speechless.

I jumped at the sound of a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I said as I finished putting on my eyeliner.

"It's me David, Nicole we need to talk."

"Go away David, I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Please Nikki we need to talk about what happened yesterday."

Giving up on asking him to leave me alone, I walked over to my bedroom door opening it, only to see big black bags under his eyes. Did he not get any sleep last night? Acting like I didn't care, even though I actually did care a lot, I decided to let him come inside.

"Nikki I'm really sorry about what I called you yesterday but you have to understand."

"And what exactly do I have to understand?"

"That it's not easy seeing your little sister making out with one of her best friends. I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"First off for the last time it was just a kiss, we weren't making out. Second, Aideen is now my boyfriend and he would never do anything to hurt me. And lastly, that still didn't give you any right to call me a slut."

"So you guys have a thing now? Nikki, I already said I'm sorry. What do I have to do so you can forgive me?"

"Yes we are. Just give me time, your words really hurt me. So for now just leave me alone, okay?"

"Deal!" He said with a smile on his face.

With that said I got my stuff and headed downstairs.

Looking at my phone I saw I had a group message from Mya and Olivia.

Mya- "Nikki come on don't do this to us."

Olivia- "just talk to us..... We aren't mad at you because you're moving it's not your fault."

They had a point it wasn't my fault. Only because I'm moving doesn't mean we have to stop being friends.

Me- "sorry it's just that I wasn't ready to talk about it. But we should talk about it today. Thank you for not being mad love you girl."


As I made it to the kitchen, I saw both my parents drinking there morning coffee and of course talking about work.

"Hey sweetheart" my dad said pulling me to his side, kissing me on the forehead.

"Hi daddy! Hi mom. How was work yesterday?" I asked trying to make some small talk while I waited for Aideen to come pick me up.

"Well you know same as always!" Mom said leaning back on the counter. "How about you? Any thing new going on with you?" Looking at me like if she knew something.

Should I tell them about Aideen and I? I mean I'm sure my mom would be happy but my dad ehhh that's a different story.

"Well um... Actually yes." Giving them a smile.

"It doesn't have to do anything with a boy or does it?" Dad said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Robert! Now don't get all over protective, Nicole has the right to have some romance in her life. Plus I'm sure if she did have a boyfriend she would tell us right away or am I wrong Nicole?" She said while taking a drink of her coffee.

Fabulous ! They knew me to well. They knew there was a reason behind me getting up early for school. So I had no other choice but to tell them that my best friend Aideen Johnson is now my boyfriend.

"Well dad now that you say that, it actually does involve a boy."

"YES I KNEW IT!!! My baby girl has a boyfriend now!! So tell me! I mean tell us, who's this special boy? Do we know him?"

"Lisa let her talk will you?" My dad said letting go of me and crossing his hands over his chest, waiting for me to spill who my boyfriend was.

"I'm dating Aideen.... You know Aideen my best friend."

"Oh sweetheart I knew you two would end up together sooner or later! I'm so happy for you." She said pulling me in for a hug.

"Well Nicole as long as you're happy I won't stop you two from being together." Wow dad took that a lot better then what I was expecting.

"But......" Spoke to soon .-.

"If you two want me to be okay with this little relationship.... I want him to come to the house and have a little talk with him."

"Daddy!! Come on you already know him and plus it's not like we're getting married or anything like that."

"Yes you're right but I only know him as your friend and now I want to know what intentions he has now that he's your boyfriend. Now don't forget to tell him to stop by on Saturday."

"Alright I'll tell him." I told him while walking out of the kitchen.

I knew this was going to happen.


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