9. Catching up

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Chapter Nine

*Catching Up*


"Hey princess, someone looks extra hot today!" Aideen said with a smirk on his adorable face.

Closing the door of the car, trying to cover my burning hot cheeks he caused by his complement.

"You're not looking so bad yourself either." I said leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek. But to my surprise he took hold of my face and pressed his lips on mine.

Pulling away before it became a deeper kiss I said "Aideen! I see you can't get enough of me can't you?" With a smirk on my face.

"Sorry princess I just needed those soft lips of yours."

"We have plenty of time for that later, but for now just hurry and get to school."

With that said we made it to school with a couple of time to spear until first hour began. Maybe I'll have enough time to just talk to Mya and Olivia now so I can get it out of the way.

Aideen and I walked in to school holding hands. Wow did this feels good. Having him by my side made me feel more secure.

Now the question was why in the world was everyone looking at us?

Umm hello dumb ass you're now dating your best friend which is also captain of the football team!! Duhh

Oh yeah that's right! I totally forgot about that. God it made me feel so weird to have everyone looking at us as we walked down the hallways.

We stopped at my locker. Aideen closed the distance between us with a kiss but decided to end it quickly when he felt I didn't respond back.

"Hey Nikki what's wrong? Did I do something? "

"No it's just that.... I don't like it when everyone is looking at us kiss. It's weird." I said giving him my back and opening my locker to get my book for first period.

"Don't pay attention to them princess." He said hugging me from behind and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Nikki, Aideen!!" I heard Mya and Olivia yell out at us.

"So is there something you both want to tell us?" Mya said putting both hands on her hips as Olivia and her got closer to us.

"Yeah, Nicole and I decided to become more than just friends. Nicole is now my girlfriend." He said giving me a smile.

"Now before you guys start yelling at us for not telling you guys sooner, let us explain how things went down."

"It's about time you asked her out you idiot!!" Olivia said while smacking Aideen on the arm.

"Yeah Olivia and I totally saw this one coming, but didn't think you two would take so long to open up to each other." Mya said giving Olivia a high five.

Wow how was it that they figured it out before we even did ourselves.

After a while later we all went our separate ways before first period started. Well now I have to wait and just talk to them during lunch.


You now what to do! :)


Pretty please :D

Pineapples yummy!!

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