19. Surprises and Awkward Moments

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Chapter Nineteen

*Surprises and Awkward Moments*


Nicole's POV

After my dad went upstairs I began to wonder what Mya had to do in all of this.

"I think it's best if I leave now." Aideen said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, I'll just tell you what happened later."

We kissed goodbye and I made my way over to my parents office. When I walked in I saw my mom hugging Mya while David sat there with his head in his hands looking tense.

"So is anyone going to tell me what's going on here?" I said walking inside.

"Mrs. Dallas can you give us a moment with Nicole? Please." Mya said releasing my mom and walking over to me. Nodding her head at her as she walked out. Leaving us all alone in there. Taking one of my hands she walked me over to where David was.

"Nikki before we tell you anything I want you to know both of us didn't want any of this to happen. Please don't hate me."

"I'm not going to hate you Mya. But what can cause me to hate you? You're my best friend. Now tell me what's going on."

"Please just let us explain how all of this happened and then you can ask us anything."

"A couple months ago Mya and I started to date but I forced her into not telling you anything because at first it was just a game to me, but now I realized I really like her." David said rubbing his hands together.

"Nikki David and I just worked things out not to long ago, but we agreed to just be friends. Until I discovered I-----"

"Don't tell me you're...." I said giving both of them a concerned look.

"Nicole I'm pregnant." Mya said holding her stomach while tears rushed down her cheeks.

" Why didn't you tell me about your guys relationship? Were you guys even planning on telling me about you two?" I said getting up.

"Nikki I swear I was going to tell you!"

"I.... I don't know.."

"Don't be mad at her. This is all because I wasn't being careful."

"GOD! I can't believe you got my best friend pregnant! Mya when did you figure out you were pregnant?"

"The day me and David worked things out. I just didn't know how to tell him." She said looking down at the ground.

"I'm sorry. This is all to much for me to take in right now." I said walking out without turning back to look at them.

"Sweetheart where are you going?" I heard my mom say as I walked out of the house without saying anything to her.


"MOM!! I need to be alone!" I yelled out to her as I got in my car and drove off.

I'm going to be an aunt. While Mya and David are going to be teen parents. The thought of me being an aunt was kinda exciting but I just couldn't see those two raising a child of their own.

Sense I had no idea where I was going, I decided to stop at the first place I saw which was Target.

When I walked in a cute little old lady greeted me "Hello welcome to Target." She said with a smile on her face.

"Hi" I said back to her. As I walked by places I stopped where the clearance stuff was. When I reached it my phone began to ring. Answering it without even looking at who it was I said "Hello?"

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