24. It's finally time

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Chapter twenty four

*It's finally time*


Nicole's POV

After we finally finished cleaning Aideens house, we decided to take a little rest before heading over to my house. We were both laying down on the couch just there in peace until my phone began to ring. "AHHH.....all I asked for was at least five minutes to rest!!" I said reaching over to get my phone.

"Hello?" I asked

"Nicole what the hell? Don't you think it's time you get back here already?" said a very angry David.

"Slow down. Gosh David I'll be over there in a while."

"We'll you better hurry up and get over here." he said hanging up without even saying bye to me. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Obviously.

"Let me guess David wants you over there now?" Aideen said standing up from the couch.

"Yeah, so I guess we better get going."

We walked out of the house and noticed there was even more mess in the front yard too. People just don't know how to pick up after themselves. Remind me to never have a party.

"Don't worry I'll just pay someone to come and clean it later." Aideen said when he noticed that I stopped walking after seeing all the mess.


"Mom! Dad!! I'm home already!!" I said as I walked into my house.

"Oh that's good honey now would you mind helping us with these last boxes we have over here??" my mom said to me.

I was about to do as I was told but Aideen stopped me, and he decided to help out my mom. How sweet of him.

"Hey Nicole!" I heard someone say to me.

I turned around and saw Mya walking into the house. She had a suit case with her as well. Huh I wonder for what?

"Hey Mya! why didn't you go to the party yesterday?" I said as we hugged each other quickly.

"I really wanted to go, but you know how David is." she said rolling her eyes and placing a hand on her belly.

She still didn't have a baby bump it was still to early. She was just a month into her pregnancy.

"So what's the suite case for?" I asked her.

"They haven't told you??"

"Tell me what?" I said giving her a confused look.

"I'm moving with you guys......" she said giving me a weak smile "my mom as you know isn't happy about this situation." pointing down at her belly.

"Did she kick you out??" I asked in shock. I get that she's disappointed but kicking out her daughter is not the answer.

"She didn't say it directly at me but she would kinda drop clues that she didn't want anything to do with me and the baby." Mya said looking down at the floor.

"Oh my god Mya I'm so sorry to hear about this."

"It's okay Nikki it isn't your fault. I mean I got myself in this situation. But I mean I don't regret it, it's amazing to have something growing inside of me." She said smiling down on her belly.

"I bet it must be an awesome feeling."

"Mya!! Is that everything you brought with you?" David said walking over to us. He wrapped his arm around Mya's waist and peaked a quick kiss on her lips. I'm glad David fell in love with a girl like Mya.

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