30. Its Not A Date Date!

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*It's Not A Date Date!*


"I can't! I just can't. What if Aideen finds out?" I said walking back and forth in my room. "I don't want to cause more problems between me and him."

"He's not going to find out! It's not like he's going to surprise you and come back today." Mya said holding me still.


"NICOLE!! He won't and plus you aren't doing anything bad it's not even a date date." Mya said walking over to my closet. "Now what are you going to wear?"

"Clothes.... I don't know he didn't even tell me where we're going." I said laying down on my bed.

"Here wear this! oh and this shirt! oh and you can't forget the shoes. How about these?" Mya said. If anything she sounds more excited about this date then what I do.

She had picked out a nice dark blue jean skirt, a strapless white shirt, and for shoes it was my new white flats that would go perfect with my shirt. "I guess that's good enough." I changed into it quickly and I actually liked the way it looked. It was good enough for a date that wasn't an actual date date.

"Let me do your hair!!" Mya said.

"Let it dry first!"

"I'm only going to curl your ends. Hurry up it's already 7!!"

I rolled my eyes at her and let her do her 'magic'.


"Wow Mya, I look good I guess." I said putting on my earrings and bracelets.

"Your welcome. Now cheer up and don't think about Aideen finding out because he won't okay?"

"Okay I'll just enjoy myself tonight." I said looking over at the clock. "Oh gosh it's almost time!"

"Well then go wait outside for him then!" she said pushing me out of my own room. How rude!

"Where are you going?" my dad asked me as I walked downstairs.

"She's going on a date!" Mya replied.

"Aideens back already?" mom asked joining the conversation.

"No...." I answered.

"Then who are you going on a date with?" they both asked me at the same time. Ahh thanks a lot Mya!!

"It's not a date date. I'm just going to hang out with a new friend." I answered. "I have to get going, I'll be back before midnight. Bye!" I said walking out before they can question me anymore.

"Wow you fixed up pretty good." I heard someone say, causing me to jump.


"No I'm Patrick Star." he said sarcastically.

"Ha ha ha you're so funny." I said reaching his car. He was wearing a black v-neck shirt, some grey shorts with some black nike shoes. Not going to lie he looked hot. "Where are we going to go?"

"How does a drive in movie sound?" he said walking to the passenger door and opening it up for me. Wow he actually has manners.

"Yeah, that actually sounds good." I said smiling at him, while I got in the car. He quickly walked over to his side after closing my door.

The ride there was quiet in a non awkward way. Every once in a while we would talk about small things. Who would have thought I would actually be having such a good time? Not me! That's for sure.

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