40. Secrets

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Yay!! It's Monday! .-. I hate Mondays. Unless something important is happening that day.

Right now I was making my way to school. I decided to leave my house earlier just because I didn't want to deal with David so early in the morning.

But now what the heck am I going to do for the next 30 minutes before my first class?

I didn't know what to do so I parked my car and got out making my way to the front door. I pressed the little button so they could let me in.

When I walked inside I noticed there was already a couple of kids here. I looked around to see if I maybe knew someone, so I wouldn't be as lonely here.

"Hey Nicole what are you doing here?" I heard Andrea say as I walked over to her.

"Hey!! I just wanted to get out of the house earlier today. What about you?"

"It's Damian's Birthday and I wanted to surprise him." She said giving me an evil smirk.

"Oh god! What did you do?"

"Nothing I just... you know took all his books out of his locker and filled his locker with confetti and balloons."

"Wow that's a nice surprise. You should have put glitter inside of it too." I said laughing.

"Oh I used glitter. I put some on his books and notebooks. He hates glitter, so I can't wait to see his face."

"Where are his book?" I asked curious to know.

"I was nice enough to put them all in his classes."

"Well I'm sure he's going to love it!"

"He is this is just part of it. I have the rest of the day planned out for us as well. I know he will be mad because of the glitter but it's something a kiss or two can fix." she said.

I just laughed at all of this. This was actually pretty cute. It seemed more of a prank but I'm pretty sure it's just to start out the day.

I looked at my phone to see that it was almost time for first hour. "Hey you want to go to our lockers now? It's almost time." I asked Andrea.

"Yeah let's go just let me check.... oh my gosh here he comes let's go so I can see when he opens his locker!!" She said pulling me along with her.

We stood there watching as Damian was going over to his locker. He started putting in his combination but then Eric came from behind him and patted him on the back, giving each other their bro hug.

Seeing Eric made me remember what had happened during the weekend. "Hey you okay?" Andrea asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just-" I was cut off by Damian screaming "What the hell?" After he opened his locker.

"Aww man we missed it!" Andrea said looking up, to see Damian coming over to us with a smirk on his face. Eric was right behind him.

"Hey babe do you have any clue who did that?" he said wrapping his arms around Andreas waist.

"Ehhh..... maybe." she said pecking a kiss on his lips. "Happy birthday boyfriend!"

They continued chatting, I couldn't help but look over at Eric. I regret even looking because there he was now with Amy by his side. I turned around grabbed my stuff and walked away as fast as I could.

Okay maybe I have no right to be mad but I just couldn't help it.

Moments later Andrea and Damian walked in hand in hand. I can't wait to see what face he does when he sees his book!!

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