5. I can't believe it

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Chapter Five

*I Can't Believe It*


Oh my dear lord, am I dreaming or what?? I couldn't believe my ears. Aideen Johnson just said he wants and needs me.

"Wait what?" I said giving him a confused look.

"I said that I-"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I heard you but I-" and just how I cut him off he did the same but he shut me up by placing his lips on mine.

Without hesitation I responded to his kiss by kissing him back and moving my hands up to his neck, wrapping them around him.

"Wow!!! I would say to get a room but that's my baby sis you're kissing there."

Shit! I parted myself away from Aideen only to see my very pissed off brother standing by the staircase with his arms crossed over his chest.

David was an awesome brother but when he was mad he was not the best person to be around.

"Hey...." I said awkwardly "I can explain this David just chill out please."

"Chill out? You want me to chill out after what I just saw."

"Oh come on man don't take it out on her it was just a kiss." Aideen said.

"Did I ask you to talk? No, so I expect you to keep your mouth shut unless you want me to shut it for you."

"Hey man I'm not trying to cause any problems here but if that's the way you want it then bring it dude!"

"Ok both of you stop it! Nobody is going to hurt anyone ok?!" I said pushing them away from each other.

Why was David even acting like this it's not like Aideen was a stranger. He knew him for as long as I did. Brothers can be so complicated I swear.

"David, Aideen and I were just talking ok."

"Yeah and you think I'm that stupid to believe that when I clearly walked in on you two having a make out session. Is this what you do when you're home alone? Bring guys to the house?" David said to me.

"That's it I'm not going to let you talk like that to my girl!"

Wait, what?!?! Did Aideen just call me his girl?

Yes now stop thinking about that and focus on what your lovely brother just said.

Said the voice inside my head.

"I can't believe you just said that David! What are you trying to say that I'm some kind of slut or something? How could you!? You my own brother saying that I'm a slut for just kissing Aideen?" I said with a tear running down my cheek.

I never thought David would call me such a thing!

"Nikki I didn't mean it to come out that way!" David said trying to take hold of my arm after noticing what he had just said to me moments ago.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I said yelling and pulling my arm away from him.

"Come on Nicole you're over reacting. I didn't mean what I said."

Was I over reacting? Maybe I was but those words hurt me so much. He had never called me like that before.

I walked to the door taking hold of the door nob.

"Aideen please get me out of here." I opened the door and stumped out of the house. I could feel Aideen following close behind as we got close to his car.


So what do you guys think? Do u think she did over react?

What about when Aideen calling her his girl? So cute lol

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