12. Getting Into Problems

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Chapter Twelve

*Getting Into Problems*


Nicole's POV

I can't believe he just walked out on me like that. I know he was upset but he didn't have to leave. At least not until we talked about this situation.

Looking up and cleaning my tears off my face, I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Hey Nikki are you ok? I saw what happened between you and Aideen. I just wanted to see how you were doing." David said already walking into my room and taking a seat on my bed next to me.

I would usually just tell him to go away and leave me alone, but instead I took him in for a hug causing me to cry even more.

"It's ok Nikki, let it all out, I'm not going anywhere." His words caused me to let out a deep breath making the tears run down my face even faster than before.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to....." Not knowing how to finish his sentence I just hugged him tighter. David knew his words made me think of the way Aideen left me.

Finally after and hour later I stopped crying I was able to fall asleep, still holding on to David.


David's POV

That little bastard! I thought to myself walking out of Nikki's room after tucking her into bed. Aideen sure knew how to get on my bad side didn't he? I had clearly told him that I didn't want anyone hurting her. What does he do? He goes and makes her cry. Now he's going to pay for making my baby sister cry.

Grabbing my keys to my white Camaro, I drove off until I came to a stop In front of Mya's parking lot. Out of all three of Nicole's best friends I only knew where Mya lived.

As I waited for someone to open the front door I took a step back. Shit. I said to myself as I realized what I had just done. I sure hope Mya is the only one home or at least I hope she's the one to open the door.

"David?!? What the hell are you doing here.?" Mya said whisper yelling at me with a confused look on her face.

"Mya, honey who's at the door?" Damn her moms home.

"Ummm..... Nobody just a little boy um.. Selling some chocolates."

"Oh here tell him to hold on. Let me order him some of my favorite."

"No, no don't come he doesn't have the type you like."

"Oh ok then just order any if you like any sweetheart."

With that said Mya stepped out closing the door behind her.

''Now leave. Please I don't want any problems with my mom David."

"I will, I just need to ask you something, it wont take long."

"Well not here! Ill meet you at the park in a while."

I was about to tell her it wasn't going to take long just like I had said, she was already gone. Leaving me with no other option but to obey her.


I did as I was told and waited for Mya to get here. What was taking her so long?

"David!" Damn now I see why she took so long to get over here. She obviously got ready to come here and talk to me.

"Damn did you go get ready just for me?" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Just tell me why you went to my house." She said walking pass me trying to cover up her red cheeks because of what I had just told her.

Following her, I was admiring the view I had of her little fine ass.

"Ouch David! Get off me!" What the hell? How in the world did we end up on the ground? Oh yeah this probably happened because I was to busy looking at her ass that I didn't notice she stopped walking.

"Oh my bad. I was to entertained by the view I had." I said giving her a smirk.

"I don't care! Now can you please get yourself off of me?"

"Why do I make you nervous?" I said leaning in closer to her feeling her breath on my lips. As our lips were about to touch, she turned her head and rolled me over, so now she was the one on top of me. Before I can actually enjoy this moment, I felt her get off. Sitting up now looking at her confused. She broke the silence.

"If you think Im just going to let you kiss me after all this time you are so wrong David Dallas!" she said water filling her eyes. "And if this is the reason why you went to my house, let me just tell you that you're stupid to think I would actually forgive you after you used me!!!"

"Mya....." but before I could even finish my sentence, she was already running to her car.

"MYA!! LISTEN TO ME!!" I yelled trying to catch up to her.But before I even got half way there, it was to late she was already gone.

"FUCK!" I yelled kicking the grass. I just had to make things worst between Mya and I. But the worst part was that this wasn't even the reason why I wanted to talk to her.


On my way back home I got stopped by the cops for speeding. Every thing went wrong today. I didn't even make Aideen pay for making Nicole cry and on top of that Mya hated me even more then before now.


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