35. Embarrassing

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"What?" I asked Eric, answering his phone call. He just saw me about two hours ago in school. What can he possibly want?

"Can you come over?" he asked me sounding annoyed. He's the one that called me.


"Gabby wants to see you."

"I don't believe you."

"Nicole stop acting all important. Please just come she won't stop bugging me about you." Ahh so that's why he sounds annoyed.

"Okay." I said hanging up on him. A smile formed on my lips just of the thought of seeing that cute little adorable girl again.

Before leaving I grabbed a lolly pop for me and her. I was going to take one for Eric, but he doesn't deserve one.

I made my way over to their house admiring the beautiful weather. The wind blew through my hair making me feel as if I was a model. Before I even knew it, I was already standing in front of their front door. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer it.

"Nikki!" Gabby said running to me.

"Hey! Eric said you were asking for me, so I came over." I said getting down to her level to hug her. "here I brought you a lolly pop."

"Thank you."

"Where's Eric?" I asked her, walking in the house.

"In the living room. Come on I'll take you with him." She said.

I walked into the living room only to see Eric yet again shirtless. He needs to stop being shirtless every time I come over. He turned his attention to Gabby and I, once he saw us. I was expecting him to say something to me but he didn't. What's wrong with him?

"You want to watch a movie?" Gabby said, making me sit next to Eric.

"Yeah sure." I said feeling a little uncomfortable being next to him now.

"Let's watch Tangled. It's my favorite." Gabby said already putting it into the DVD.

Gabby sat next to me. Every once in a while I'll look over at Eric but he never looked back or anything.

"Can you guys make some popcorn?" she asked us.

"Yeah I'll get them." Eric said getting up and walking away.

"Can you go with him? he always burns them." she said giggling.

"Yeah sure."

I walked in the kitchen and saw Eric was standing by the microwave punching in the numbers. He was putting in 4:30.

"What are you doing? You're going to burn them." I said pushing the cancel button and putting the right amount of time.

"I like them like that." he said not once looking at me.

"Well Gabby doesn't." I said trying to get him to look at me. "What's wrong?" I asked him finally.

"Wrong with what?"

"You won't talk to nor look at me, so I'm guessing there's something wrong."

"I don't always have to talk and look at you." still not looking at me.

"Is this because of what I told you during art class?"

"Nope." he said popping the 'p'.

"Then look at me." I said turning his face my direction.

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