13.The Surprise Visit

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Chapter thirteen

*The Surprise Visit*


Nicole's POV

"Hey you're back, I didn't even notice when you left. Where did you go?"

"I umm just went out to get some fresh air." David said forcing a smile. Something definitely happened to him.

"Don't lie to me. You look like there's something wrong with you. Now spill it! You can trust me."

"There's nothing wrong its just that I got pulled over for speeding. What about you? Did you get any rest?"

Even though I knew that wasn't the only thing going on with him, I didn't push him to tell me.

"I fell asleep for as long as you were gone, so I guess I got some rest. Oh and thank you for staying with me while I cried my eyes out."

"You don't have to thank me for anything that's what big brothers are for. You know I love you baby sis."

Without saying anything else I went back up stairs to my room. I decided to take a shower before going back to sleep.

When I was done I put on my pink pajamas with a white tank top and grabbed my phone before taking a seat on my bed. I checked my phone to see if I had any miss calls or anything. I was shocked to see there was no missed calls or messages from Aideen. So this is it? He's just going to act this way? Is this his way of saying it's over between us?

I held back the tears from falling down my face. I was done crying for him, if he wants it this way then fine I guess we're done.


Before I knew it, it was already Sunday and I still hadn't heard anything from Aideen.

I haven't even talked to Mya and Olivia since friday either. But at least we were still talking.

Yesterday I had to lie to my dad because with everything that happened I didn't even tell Aideen my dad wanted to have him over for dinner. I told my dad that Aideen couldn't make it because his uncle was in the hospital and to my surprise my dad actually believed me. I felt so bad for lying to my dad. So thats how my saturday went.

"Hey sweetheart, can I come in?" seeing it was my mom standing at my bedroom door with a plate of food.

"Yeah." I said sitting up on my bed.

"I brought you some food I noticed you haven't been eating lately. Do you want to talk about what's on your mind?" she said handing me the plate sitting next to me taking hold of my hand.

"Im not hungry at all, nothing is wrong mom."

"Now don't lie to me Nicole. I know you have something on your mind. Now tell me."

"MOM!!! Nothing is wrong okay?!?"

"Nicole Amber Dallas! Don't you dare raise your voice on me young lady!"

"Im sorry mom. Ive just had a lot on my mind lately and then you come here and start asking questions." I said pulling my legs to my chest and hugging them thighly.

"No forgive me honey. Just tell me something. Does this have to do with us moving to Illinois?"

"Yes, it has everything to do with us moving away from Indiana. I don't want to leave all my friends but mostly I don't want to leave because... of Aideen. I don't want to leave him behind." I said failing to hold the tears in any longer.

"Oh Nikki, Im so sorry but we can't do anything about it. We already agreed to move and we can't back out anymore." she said moving her hand up and down on my arm. It was so unfair of them to decide something so important without talking to me and David about it first.

"We? Don't you mean dad and you? Because as far as I remember you and dad just told David and I not to long ago..."


"Mom just leave me alone." and without saying anything else she walked out. I felt bad kicking her out like that but I had to before she made me yell at her agian.

Feeling as I was about to suffocate myself in my room, I decided to step out to take some fresh air on my balcony. After about ten minutes I felt some rain drops fall on top of my head. Before it got worse I went back inside and started to watch some videos of O2L on Youtube, so I can at least get my mind off of stuff.

A couple of minutes later I heard a slight hit on my balcony window. Thinking it was just the rain hitting on the window I ignored it.

I grabbed a pencil to protect myself as I heard the tapping turn into a knock.

"Who's there?" I said getting closer to the balcony window. I got closer when I heard no resopnse, I slowly opened the curtain.

Oh my god!!!

"Aideen?'' I said opening the door allowing him to step in. "What are you doing here?" But apparently he didn't get the hint of me allowing him in. -.- So I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him in.

"You are all wet. Now are you going to tell me why you came here? You know you could have just used the front door."I said while handing him a towel to wrap around himself. Aideen was about to say something, before my door swung open.


Lol she grabbed a pencil to "protect" herself.

Cliffhanger!!! lol

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