26. Lies

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Chapter twenty six



Nicole's POV

"Nicole, honey why don't you show Aideen around the house?" My mom said while cleaning up the kitchen table.

"I don't know. Aideen don't--"

"Yea sure that would be pretty cool" Aideen said getting up from his chair.

"Okay...." I said slowly getting up.

We made our way upstairs, and I jumped once I felt two pair of hands on my hips.

"Aideen don't do that!" I said removing his hands off of me.

"Okay sorry. I just wanted to apologize to you for the way I was acting that's it. It's just that it's been so long without a kiss from you... and then I kiss you, and you pull away." he said leaning up against the wall.

"It's okay. If anything I should be the one apologizing because I was being selfish. And it's not that I didn't want to kiss you it's just that....." I stopped there because I really had no clue what to say to him. I didn't have a reason. My reason was that I didn't want to kiss him.

"That what?"

"I don't know. I just wasn't expecting the kiss at the moment."

Aideen looked at me, and I just looked down. But before he could say something I took his hand and started to walk again. "Let me show you everyone's room."

The first room was my parents room, that still had nothing but a bunch of boxes. Next off was the bathroom which was in fact much bigger then the one downstairs. I then showed him David's room, and lastly mine. Which by the way is the only one that has everything in place.

"Well, that's about it. This isn't all but I still don't know the rest of the house so yeah.." I said smiling up at Aideen.

"That's alright. I'll come back when you know the rest of it better."

We walked back downstairs and made our way to the front yard.

"I'm going to get going now Nikki." Aideen said taking his phone out of his pocket.

"Yeah that's cool. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow or something." I said.

"Umm actually I can't. I already have plans, but we can hang out next weekend."

"What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked him.

"I'm going to go hang out with some friends I made by where I'm staying right now."

"Can I come with? I'd love to meet your new friends." I asked walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist, while resting my head on his chest.

"Don't take this the wrong way but, no you can't. It's not that I don't want you to come with, it's because it's more of a guy thing."

"Ohh okay well have fun, and don't drink. Please." I said looking up at him.

"I won't." he said not even bothering to look at me. "I got to go, say bye to everyone for me and thank your mom for the dinner." Aideen said removing my hands away from his waist and walking away with out even hugging me or anything.

I just have a couple of days here and Aideen and I are already having problems.

"I love you!" I yelled out to him before he got in his car.

"Me too." he said getting in his car and backing out of my driveway.

I quickly made my way inside trying to avoid everyone. I could feel my eyes starting to burn. I felt the tear run down my cheek, causing me to wipe it off just in case anyone bumped into me.

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