44. Hurt

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The next day, I woke up to see both David and Mya sitting at the kitchen table. David looked up at me and gave me an unwelcoming look. Mya just got up and walked away with out looking over at me.

I hate this situation. Not only was Mya not talking to me now but also David.

There was a knock at the door and since I was the only one, then I guess I'll have to get it.

I walked over to the door taking my time.

"Hey.... I came to look for you yesterday but Mya told me you weren't home and since you didn't call me, I decided to come over here.." Aideen said.

"Yea sorry yesterday well yesterday didn't go as I had wanted it to go... but we can talk now." I said taking a step outside. Hope my dad doesn't over react over me coming outside, knowing him he would make a big deal about it.

"So what's going on with us Nicole?"

"Well... just like I told you before Aideen... there is no us anymore." I said not being able to look up at him.

"What do I have to do Nicole? What did I do wrong?" he asked me.

"Nothing. There is nothing you can do Aideen, I'm sorry." I ignored his last question.

"Then what did I do wrong? Tell me because I honestly don't know."

Unbelievable! How does he not know?

"Really Aideen? You seriously have no clue what you did wrong?" I asked him putting my hands on my hips.

"No I don't, so tell me." he said rolling his eyes.

"You lied, you would get all mad about the smallest things, and you would some how always get me to do things I didn't want to."

"Yes I lied and yes I get mad easy. I know I do that's the way I am! But I didn't force you into doing anything."

"Lies! You weren't like this and do I have to remind you about the time you made me kiss you by force? Or the time David saw us on the couch?" I said.

"I did not force im you into anything when David saw us. You could have told me to stop!"

"What's the point in that? It's not like you would have stopped. Or would you?"

He looked away from me, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah that's what I thought! Aideen..... I'm with Eric now....." I said.

"WHAT? YOURE KIDDING RIGHT?" he yelled at me.

"Shut up!!"

"When did you guys start dating? How can you do this Nicole? You love me!!"

"Yesterday, and don't blame this on me! You slowly started losing me Aideen. And I'm sorry to say this but..... I don't think what we had was ever love....." I said looking at the ground as I said that last part.

"Then what the hell was it?"

"It was nice, but maybe we felt attracted to each other because... We were best friends and we were always together..."

"No Nicole!! Don't lie... we both know I love you....." He said.

"Aideen, listen to me! That wasn't love... We just liked each other that's it.... I'm sorry." I said.

"Oh so now you're the love expert? What you love Eric now? That's bullshit!" he was getting mad, really mad. I'm going to back away from him.

"No I'm not... and.... I don't know what it is I feel for him. He just makes me feel something I never felt with you....."

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