50. Goodbye

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Time Later


"I can't believe you leave tomorrow...." I said to Eric as we laid in the grass.

"Me either..... But I'll be back and then we will be together again!"

"I wish it was that simple..."

"This is just an obstacle we have to pass to see how much we really love each other. We can get through it."

"I hope we do." I said rolling on top of him to peck a kiss.

I tried to roll back to my spot but Eric held me so I wouldn't move away from him. He kissed me and once he had me lost in the kiss he rolled us over so he was the one on top now.

I pulled away. "Not here!" I said moving his hand away from my butt.

"Fine.... Lets go get something to eat" he said pulling me and him up at the same time.

We walked back inside to his house and I started walking over to the kitchen, before someone pinned me up against the wall.

"What are you doing?" I said.

"I'm about to kiss you." he smirked.

We kissed for a while before I stopped kissing him back. Eric looked at me confused. "I though we came inside to get some food!"

His confused look disappeared into a smirk. "I kinda lied...." he lifted me off the floor, making me wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around him.

He started walking towards the stairs while kissing me, causing him to bump on the wall every once in a while.

We got to his room eventually... and every kiss was filled with passion and love.


The sound of an alarm going off woke me up but I wasn't able to actually get up because Eric's strong arms were around me.

"Eric.." I pinched his nose. "wake up!" I said pecking a kiss on his lips.

"Make the noise stop..." he mumbled.

"I can't, unless you let go of me!" I said.

"Crap!! What time is it?!?" he said sounding full awake and letting me go so he could sit up.

"It's 7 am." I said holding the blanket close to me as I sat up too.

"Shit! We have to get ready! My flight leaves at 12!!"

I got off the bed and started changing into my clothes. "A good morning would have been nice you know!"

He let out a big sigh. "You're right I'm sorry Nicole."

I don't know why I got mad like that, maybe it was because he was leaving today. "Just get ready and I'm going to go home to get ready too." I said.

"Nicole! Don't be mad! I'm sorry...."

"I'm not mad... or maybe I am... I don't know.. Just call me when you're done getting ready okay?" I said giving him a weak smile.


"So.... Why didn't you come home last night?" Mya asked me as I finished doing my hair.

"I stayed with Eric..."

"Have you two... you know..."

"Mya! Oh my gosh...." I said turning around to look at her.

"Oh come on! Tell me!!!!" She begged.

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