6. I Feel the Same

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Chapter Six

*I Feel the Same*


"Nicole, I'm sorry about what happened back there. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have kissed you."

Excuse me? Oh my god. WOW!

I turned and faced him with my eyes turning watery.

"Excuse me? So now you're saying that that kiss was a mistake?"

"Wait, no Nikki I didn't mean it like that!"

"Oh really then what exactly did you mean by what you said then?"

"Nikki I'm sorry I just said it without thinking it out first. That kiss we shared back there was real. Just like how the feelings I have for you are real."

I was surprised by hearing him say that. I felt his hands rap around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. Putting my hands on his chest to fight him off, so he can let me go. But it was useless he was stronger then I was.

"Let me go Aideen seriously I'm not in the mood."

"No I'm not going to let you go until I tell you how I really feel about you."

"Oh yeah we'll then tell me. What are your real feelings towards me? Even though you just said that that kiss was a mistake."

"You want me to really tell you how I really feel about you Nicole Amber Dallas?"

"Yes tell me Aideen, I'm ready to hear that the kiss you gave me didn't mean anything to you!!"

I really don't see how much worse this day can become.

"I'm scared Nicole!"

"Scared of what Aideen?"

"Of losing you and our friendship."

"Losing me? Why would you have to be scared to lose me?" I asked him with a confused look on my face.

"Nicole don't you understand? I like you. I mean it, I really like you but not as a friend. I like you more then just a friend."

"So that kiss did have a special meaning to you?"

"Yes Nikki, you have no idea how long I have been waiting to kiss you. To have your lips pressed agains mine. I had to tell you because I couldn't let you leave without letting you know how I really felt about you."

"Aideen, I don't know what to say." I said looking at him and noticing how fast his eyes were filled with sadness at my respond.

"You don't have to say anything. I understand if you just like me as a friend..."

"No it's not that it's just that... I feel the same way about you too Aideen Johnson."

A huge smile appeared on his face as soon as I finished my sentence. He hugged me tight and twirled me in the air causing me to laugh at his actions. Letting me go and placing me down he held both of my hands.

"Nikki will you be my girlfriend?" I jumped on him wrapping my legs around him and my hands around his neck causing him to lose his balance.

I giggled as he gained his balance again and whispered in his ear.....

"I would love to be your girlfriend."


Yay!!! They finally said how they feel about each other :)

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