37. Kiss After Kiss

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"Hey Nikki let's go to the mall today yeah?" Mya asked me. "I need new clothes."

"Yeah sure." I said smiling at her. She's gotten pretty big for just being four months.

"Hey why don't you invite your friend Andrea?"

"You want her to come with?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah why not? I want to meet your new friends." he said rubbing her tummy.

"Okay, I'll text her. Just let me change into some pants." I said going up to my room.

I texted her right away. I picked out the pants I was going to wear and put them on quickly. By the time I was making my way downstairs I had already 4 new text from Andrea.

Andrea- yeah I'll meet you there.
Is it fine if I take Damian with?
He said he wants to go too. lol

Me- Cool and yeah that's fine. lol

"Hey Mya lets get going. Andrea said she will meet us there." I said grabbing my purse.

"Okay just let me tell David." she said.

"No just text him." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door.

"But I want a goodbye kiss!!" she said rubbing her tummy. "isn't that right baby?"

"Oh god! Fine but just call him to tell him to come outside to my car."

"Okay hold on...." Mya said calling David. "babe can you come outside?.... No nothing's wrong....okay" she said laughing. "love you."

"Wow!!" was all I could say.

"Mya!" David said making his way to my car. "where are you two going?" he asked sticking his head in from the window. Mya quickly peaked a kiss on his lips, making David do the same.

"Okay you guys can stop now.... David you can leave now."

"Well where are you guys going?" he asked.

"To the mall. So back away from the car so I could go now."

"I'm coming with." He said getting in the back seat already.

"What no! This is girl time." I said.

"Oh come on Nikki let him come with!! Please?" Mya begged me.

"AHH!! Fine."

"Yay! thanks now let me go to the back with David." she said getting out of the front seat.

"I'm going to be all alone now.... Andrea is taking Damian with her... and now you have David with you." I said driving off to the mall.

"Why don't you invite Eric?" David asked.

"No no no!" I Said shaking my head.

"Why not? He's pretty cool."

"Because no I've had enough of him all week in school this is my two free days with out having to see him."

"Then why don't you invite.....Aideen?" Mya asked.

"No! You better not Nicole." David said.

"Chill I'm not going to only because we're friends now, that doesn't mean I'm alright with him. Plus why is it that you like Eric but not Aideen?" I asked David.

"Because Aideen is just crap."

"Okay??" I said.

We drove in silence after that. Then my phone started ringing.

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