27. Stranger Danger

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Chapter twenty seven

*Stranger Danger*


It's already been two whole weeks that I haven't talked to Aideen. Two whole weeks without seeing him.

He's been trying to contact me but I just don't want to hear him right now. I still can't believe he lied to me like if it was nothing at all.

During these two weeks I've just been focused on myself. I found a nice little park around the area and I've been spending a lot of time there.

It's peaceful and I go their to just relax and just draw what ever catches my eye.

"Hey guys can you let my parents know I won't be back for lunch?" I said to David and Mya.

"Where are you going?" David asked me.

"To the park."

"Don't worry Nikki we'll let then know right David?" Mya said.

"Thanks bye guys." I said walking over to the door.


Once I got to the park I laid out a blanket under a tree and took a seat. I took out my notebook and my pencil and looked around to see what I could find.

I started drawing a dog that was laying under a tree. As I was drawing it I decided to put on my headphones because I had just noticed I was sitting by the basketball court.

I was already filling in the shaded areas when all of a sudden a basketball bounced on my notebook and caused me to draw a big line across my drawing.

"Oh my god seriously?" I said looking down at my ruined drawing now.

"Hey!" I heard someone say. I looked up to see it was a guy, a very attractive looking guy.

I pointed at myself giving him a confused look. "Yeah you, can you pass me my ball?" he said to me.

"Excuse me?" I said standing up.

"Look just give me the ball. I'm trying to play with some of my friends, so do you mind hurrying it up?" he said walking over to where I was.

"No I wont. You ruined my drawing." I said pointing down at my notebook.

"Well nobody told you to sit there.. so that's your fault." he said smirking.

What a jerk. He could have at least said sorry.

"Hey bro hurry up! I almost have to go!" some guy yelled out to him.

"I'm going!"

Ignoring them both I got on my knees and started packing up my stuff and putting them in my bag.

I rolled my eyes when I saw he was still there. "Nice underwear." he said smirking at me as he walked over to the ball.

My cheeks turned hot right away after that. Before he saw my face of embarrassment I pulled my shirt down and started walking away.

"You know I was kidding right?" he said laughing as he dribbled the ball behind me.

"Why are you following me?" I said sounding annoyed. Hope he gets the hint.

"You're new here right?" he asked me ignoring what I had just said.

"Maybe. Shouldn't you be getting back to your friends already?" I said turning around to face him.

He lifted his shirt from his right arm to wipe his forehead and reveled some tattoos. They looked so sexy. I looked at them for a while before he caught me off guard. "Are you done looking at me?" he said winking at me.

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