43. Pancake Ass

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"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked Eric while I laid on the grass looking up at the stars.

We were waiting for Andrea and Damian to get here so we can start the fire. Eric was picking out the pieces of wood he had all bunched together. "It depends.... Can I get something in return?" He asked, making me get up in a sitting position now.

I looked at him, seeing how his muscles flex when he would lift some wood up. "You done eating me with your eyes?" he said causing me to come out of my thoughts.

"I was not... what ever. What do your tattoos mean?"

"My tattoos?" he stopped doing what he was doing and walked over to me helping me up.

"No stupid, my tattoos." I said sarcastically.

"Nicole Amber Dallas has tattoos? Why haven't I seen then?" he said chuckling.

"Eric seriously I've been meaning to ask you that since I first met you, so are you going to tell me... or nah?" I asked him taking a seat on a chair.

"Alright I'll tell you. They have a really big meaning to me actually. One of them is a symbol me and my brother would always draw.... so when he passed away I decided to get it so I could feel like he was with me forever." he said putting his hands on both sides of the chair and leaning in as he told me.

"And the other one is a cross that my dad, Derek and I all had."

I looked at him, then placed my hands on both sides of his face. "So now that you told me, what do you want in return?" I asked looking at his eyes and then down at his lips.

He smirked and then leaned in closer to me, wrapping one of his arms around me, picking me up from the chair and pulling me closer to him. My hand automatically went around his neck.

"Lady's and gentleman, the life of the party has arrived!!" We heard Damian yell as he opened the gate to Eric's backyard. "oh shit my bad...."

"We will finish this later." Eric said resting his forehead on mine and then slapping Damian real hard on the back.

"Damian we just got here and you already got Eric to hit you?" Andrea said walking in with some marshmallows.

"I didn't do anything!" he said quickly and placed a kiss on Andreas lips.

An hour later the boys finally started the fire. Andrea and I laughed as they failed horribly at trying to get it going. "If I would have know you guys didn't know how to start a fire I would have done it myself." Andrea said.

Damian rolled his eyes at her playfully and took the bag of marshmallows away from her.

Both Damian and Eric had Andrea and I dying of laughter as the told us a couple of stories back when they were kids.

I then later started to yawn. Boy was I tired, it had been a long week of school.

"You guys want to go inside down in my basement?" Eric asked when he noticed how tired I looked.

"Nah bro, will just get going." Damian said looking over at Andrea who was passed out on the chair. She had a marshmallow hanging from her mouth.

"Alright. Thanks for coming then." Eric said as Damian picked up Andrea bridal style.

"Do you want to stay or go?"

I looked at the time it was 1 in the morning. "Yea no I better get going." I quickly got off the chair and started looking around for my purse.

"No! Don't leave, plus your parents already know you're over here anyway." Eric said wrapping his arms around me from behind resting his head on my shoulder.

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