16. Under One Condition

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Chapter sixteen

*Under One Condition*


David's POV

This morning when I woke up I wanted to go talk to Nikki about what happened last night. I looked at the clock and it was now twelve in the afternoon. Should I just wait until shes out of school to talk to her?

No this can't wait any longer. I have to talk to her now.

Getting out of bed, I grabbed the first T-shirt in sight and put it on. I rushed quickly downstairs and grabbed my car keys, making my way to Nicole's school.

When I arrived, I noticed there was a bunch of people outside having lunch. Getting out of my car, I saw some of my old friends from last year here when I was still in school. As I waved hello to them I saw Mya and Olivia sitting next to this geek looking guy with glasses talking to him. Where was Aideen and Nicole? But first of all why was Mya talking to that guy? I thought to myself as my hand turned into a fist.

"David?" Mya said looking confused probably wondering why I was here.

"Hey David what are you doing here? Did the school call and tell you it was a mistake to give you a diploma?" Olivia said joking around.

"Haha funny Olivia." I said as I put my arm over her shoulder.

"What happened to your lip? and what are you doing here?" Mya said.

"Nothing." I said "Where is Nicole?"

"Shes not here, we thought she was home." Mya said looking more worried then confused now.

"Ah that would explain why Aideen isn't here either." Olivia said with a smirk on her face.

"WHAT!? That jerk isn't here either? Where are they?"

Why would she leave with him after he ignored her all weekend and not just that, he made her cry!

"Olivia try calling her, try from my phone first. David just calm down will you? You're causing a scene." Mya said looking at me right in the eyes.

"Hey Mya, ill just talk to you later bye!" the geek with the glasses said getting up and walking away as quickly as possible.

Olivia was now walking away from us probably calling Nicole to see where she was. Taking the opportunity, I got up close to Mya.

"Why the hell were you talking to that geek kid?" I said taking hold of her arm.

"Let me go David! You have no right to ask me anything. And that "Geek" is my friend Matt." She said pulling away from my grip.


Olivia's POV

Finally Nicole picked up.

When I told her that her brother was here looking for her she was freaking out. Once, I hung up on her I turned around to see Mya and David were very close to eachother. But it almost looked as if they were having an argument. But why would those two be having an arguement? After all David is only here looking for Nikki. At least thats what he said.

When I was approaching them, I saw Mya look at me with a nervous expression on her face as she made some distance between David and her.

"Nicole said she was on her way."

"Okay then I'm going to leave now.....Olivia are you coming with me or are you going to stay?" Mya asked me.

"I guess I'll leave with you. Are you going to be okay David?"

"Yeah ill just wait for Nicole here."

With that said we walked away after saying goodbye to him. When we got inside the building I asked Mya, "What were you and David talking about before I got back from calling Nikki?"

"Ohh umm.... nothing...just about Nicole ....I was just telling him to not freak out because she was with Aideen god knows where. Why?' Mya said looking a bit nervous.

"Oh no reason Its just that it looked like you two were arguing about something."

"No.. umm I have to go now. Bye Olivia see you in a while." Mya said quickly walking away from me before I could ask her anymore questions. She looked too nervous when she was answering my questions, but why though? I don't know but ill figure it out sooner or later. You can count on that.


David's POV

I hate seeing Mya being around other guys. I hate myself for not valuing her love. And not that I have lost her it's too late. I not only played with her feelings but I also made her keep our relationship a secret. I miss her, I can't lie.

I want her back.

I decided to text her to ask her to meet up at the park after school. We need to talk about what really went wrong and hopefully we can get back together. Let's see what she says.

Even if it means that we can only be friends...


Nicole's POV

"Please Aideen just stay here while I talk to David."

"Okay Ill stay here, but if I see stuff getting out of hand Im going to step in." He said leaning back on his car hood. Peaking a kiss on his lips I walked away and made my way to David.

"Nicole where were you? You're supposed to be in school."

Completely ignoring his question I asked him, "Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to you and I just couldn't wait anymore. But I see you're busy." He said looking across at Aideen.

"David, Ill forgive you under one condition."

"What's your condition?" He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"You have to apologize to Aideen for the incident that happened between you two."

"What? You've got to be kidding me Nicole! You cant be serious!" He said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Of course Im being serious! You owe him an apology."

"No hell no! Im not going to apologize to him. I have nothing to be sorry about." David said walking away from me.

"DAVID!" I yelled out to him.


Aideen's POV

When I heard Nicole yelling out to David I ran to her side.

"Nicole what happened?" I asked her taking hold of her hands.

"Nothing its just that David got mad because I asked him to apologize to you."

"Princess he doesn't have to apologize to me. Its okay just leave it how it is.

"But he had no reason to hit you. What he did was wrong and you know it." Nicole said looking at me in the eyes.

"Please just leave it alone. I don't want you to be mad at your brother because of me. Now lets go to your house so you can talk to David." I told her pulling her in for a hug.

"Fine but can we go eat first because I'm starving."


This chapter was a little different because I tried to add mostly everyones POV. Hope you guys liked it.

Maybe next chapter Ill put in Mya's POV :D

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