22. Graduation

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Chapter twenty two


Nicole's POV

Usually I would be jumping up and down on a Friday. But I couldn't seem to get to excited about this Friday. Why you ask? Because today was the last full day I had here. I had already lost all hope that something would happen so we wouldn't have to move, but sadly that clearly wasn't going to happen.

The only fun part about today was Aideen's graduation and the party he was having. Even though I wasn't too pumped up to party I didn't want to ruin everyone else's excitement. And by everyone I mostly mean Aideen he was filled with excitement.


I was now home getting ready for the graduation ceremony. Good thing I had already picked out my outfit for today before I packed everything away. My room looks completely empty I hated being in it these past days because it gets lonelier every passing day and makes me feel depressed.

I was wearing a dress that fell a little above my knees. It was a nice teal dress that had a cute gold belt to go around my waist. For shoes I went for some gold open toe high heals but not too high. As for my hair I decided to curl only the ends of it and applied a small amount of makeup to finish off.

"Nicole? Honey, Aideen's here hurry you don't want to be late!!" My mom yelled out to me.

"I'm coming!!" I yelled to her as I put on my earrings and made my way downstairs.

"Wow! Let me just point out that I have the most good looking girlfriend in the world." Aideen said as I walked over to him.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I said giving him a quick kiss.

Apparently it wasn't quick enough because next thing you know we hear the sound of a camera.

"Mom!!" I said as I took hold of Aideen's hand in mine.

"What? You two are adorable and plus this is a special day for Aideen and how will he remember it if there isn't any pictures taken?"

"Okay mom well we have to get going I don't want to be late." I said.

"Yes you two better get going. Congratulations Aideen and good luck tonight." My mom said as we made our way over to Aideens car.

"Thank you Mrs.Dallas." Aideen yelled out to my mom as he opened up the passenger door for me.

As Aideen drove to school we stayed quiet. Nothing awkward it was relaxing just being next to him. I took hold of his free hand and locked our fingers together causing him to glance over at me with a smile.

Who would have thought that I would end up dating my best friend. What was going to happen now that I was going to move far away from him? Even though come to think of it, it wasn't too far away.

"Princess we're here." Aideen said as he took the keys out. He turned a little in his seat to now be facing me, and we just sat there looking at each other. I noticed he was leaning in closer to me. Placing a gentle kiss on my lips. Breaking the kiss after a couple of seconds he spoke up "You ready to head in?"

"Yea lets go so you can go get your cap and gown."


"Welcome everyone.Thank you for those of you who came to share this special day with our graduating class this year." The principle said.

I kinda spaced out during the rest of the ceremony until it was time for them to receive their diplomas and throw their cap up in the air. Soon the place was filled with screaming people making their way to their graduating son or daughter. I felt bad Aideen's parents weren't able to come due to their job. I was trying to make my way to Aideen but considering everyone was wearing the same colored gown it was difficult to spot him. Plus the fact that everyone was pushing and shoving wasn't really helping me in much.

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