42. Its Not Called A Baby Party

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It's been two months already since me and Eric have had that talk at his house. After that day me and him are inseparable. We were always together in and out of school. It's actually pretty amazing.

Before you ask.... No we aren't dating. We are just friends, and we haven't been kissing like we used to. There has actually been no kissing at all sadly..... but it's thanks to me. Not that I didn't want him to kiss me, it's just that you know we first had to get to know each other. I actually enjoy just having this friendly relationship with him. He made me feel special.

"Nicole!! Seriously come help us because we can't decide." I heard Eric say.

Right now we were at the store, looking for cute little baby shower decorations for Mya. She was six months going into seven.

"What do you two need help with now?" I asked Eric and Gabby.

"Eric wants that one but I think this one is cuter for a girl. I'm a girl so I know more." Gabby said sticking her tongue at Eric.

"Oh my god Eric seriously! You expect me to say yes to that one? It's horrible!" I said laughing at him. He was holding a new borns shirt that had a bunch of different colors on it, it was bad.

"What? No it's not! It's nice and colorful, I like it and I'm taking it." he said turning his back to us, acting like he's looking at other clothes.

"Don't let him pick clothes for when you guys have one!" Gabby said making Eric turn around like lightning.

Me on the other hand just stood there with my mouth open. "Close you're mouth before you catch some flies." Eric said. "What? you wouldn't like having my babies?" he said smirking.

"Eric!!" I finally said hitting him on the shoulder.

"What? I'm just saying it wouldn't be a bad idea. They would be the hottest babies ever!"

"Oh my god! I can't listen to this anymore, lets go Gabby before he starts saying anything else." I quickly said and walked away from Eric.

"Oh come on you know I'm right!" he said catching up to us.

"And you know we're just friends."

"That we can change in a matter of seconds." he whispered in my ear.

"Thanks you Gabby, for making your brother sound like a crazy person so early in the day already." I said glancing down at her, she just giggled.

"Okay I'll stop.... So when is this baby party taking place?" he asked.

"First of all it's a baby shower not a baby party. And it's taking place today.... that's why we're here smart one."

"We just came for this?"

"Yeah my mom needed it." I said as we payed.

Making our way to the car Eric let Gabby know he was going to drop her off at their house and then go over to mine so he could help.


"Bye Gabby! See you later!" I yelled from the car window as Gabby made her way inside the house.

"Wait so does Mya know about this?" Eric asked me driving over to my house.

"She didn't know but David being the bright person he is told her."

Eric just chuckled.

Two minutes later we were at my house.

"God no! Not today." I said looking at a familiar car parked in my parking lot.

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