45. Jealous

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Last time I talked to anyone at my house was two months ago.. Which meant Mya was 8 months pregnant now. Almost 9.

I thought she would talk to me after everything that had happened with my dad, but I was wrong. David did try though and so did my dad.

After that night I had spent about a week at at Eric's. My dad had hit me so hard, the left side of my face was purple and took a while to go back to normal.

The only reason I was back at my house was because my mom had forced me to come back. Even though my mom was concerned that day about my dad hitting me, she never bothered to ask me how I was. That was one of the reasons why I didn't talk to her either.

Eric tried to get me to at least talk to my mom, but I told him to just drop it because it wasn't going to happen.

Right now we were in our winter brake. Christmas and New Years was coming soon.

I was getting ready to go out bowling with Andrea, Damian and Eric. I was deciding on what to wear, everything was kinda big on me now. I would only eat around Eric or else I would eat a very small amount of food by myself.

"Hey you ready to go?" Eric said walking into my room. The rule was he could only come in my room with the door open. Stupid I know.

"No! I have nothing to wear!" I said walking over to him for a kiss.

"What's wrong with what your wearing?" he asked placing his hands on my hips.

"I look fat in this..." I said walking away from him.

"If anything I would say you look thinner then ever... Have you been eating right?" he asked hugging me from behind. He placed kisses on my neck.

"Yes. I eat with you all the time." I said feeling the goosebumps from his kisses.

"Well then in that case you're eating double today." he said letting me go.

I ignored him and kept looking for something to wear. "Should I just wear this?" I said pulling out some leggings, a brown long sleeve, and a brown scarf with orange spots.

"I'm going to have to be walking behind you so nobody looks at your ass." he said smirking.

"Fine then I'll---"

"No no no!! Wear them." he said closing my closet before I can look around for anything else.

"You're disgusting!" I said smacking him playfully.

"How?" he said pressing his lips into a line.

"You want me to wear them so you can look at my behind." I said walking into my bathroom to change.

"Well I like to admire what god gave my beautiful girlfriend." I heard him say.

I walked out and saw he was holding my light brown Ugg boots. I kissed him to thank him.

"Can we leave now?" he asked leaning on my door.

"Let me just put on some perfume. You're lucky I already did my makeup."

"Girls take forever!!" he said picking me up and walking me over to the stairs. I giggled.

"I'll bring her back later Mrs. Dallas." Eric told my mom. My dad wasn't home.

"Alright. Have fun." She said looking at me. I waved goodbye and walked out, pulling Eric with.

"I don't see why you can't just talk to your mom already Nicole." Eric said opening the passenger door for me.

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