49. It's Almost Time

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Life has been good for the past couple of months. My relationship with Eric is getting stronger every passing day. I even have been getting closer to my dad again. They realized all the harm Aideen had done and learned to like the idea of Eric and me being together.

School was almost over, which worried me. Eric had gotten a letter on the mail from California and I was going over today so we can open it with his mom and dad.

Yes, his dad is finally home again! He's still not fully recovered because of the fact that he was on a bed for two years.

"Hi Nikki!" Gabby said letting me in to her house.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in a while!" I said hugging her.

"Where's my hello?" Eric said as I placed Gabby down.

I walked over to him and kissed him quickly. "There you happy?" I said walking away from him.

"Not so fast!" he said grabbing me from behind and tickling me on the stomach.

"Eric!!.... Stop it!.... Please!!" I said in between laughs.

"Eric leave poor Nikki alone!" his mom said smacking him on the head.

"You're so ticklish." he said kissing me.

"Let's go open the letter!" I said pulling him towards his living room.

I said hello to his dad as I took a seat on the couch next to Eric.

"Before you open it, I want to tell you that I'm very proud of you no matter what that letter says. Okay?" Eric's mom said to him.

"Thanks mom."

We all sat there in silence waiting for Eric to open it. "Open it, open it!!" Gabby said jumping on her seat.

"Okay okay!" he said taking hold of the envelope.

As he opened it, I could feel my heart beating ten times faster then usual. He took out the paper and looked at it for a while and then let his self fall back on the couch, letting out a big sigh.

"What does it say!?!" I said looking at him, trying to read his face.

"I GOT IN!!" he said standing up and picking me up in a hug. "I GOT ACCEPTED!"

"Oh my god honey!! You did it!!!" his mom said to him as he placed me down. He walked over to his dad and hugged him and he congratulated Eric. I in the other hand, stood there lost. I'm not saying I'm not happy his dream is coming true it's just that this means.... well you know.

"I'm going to go make something to celebrate, come help me Gabby." Eric's mom said.

"Nicole I actually got in!!" Eric said hugging me again. He was filled with joy.

"Yeah you did.... Congrats!" I said giving him a weak smile.

"I have to call Damian and Andrea to tell them the good news! I'll be right back." he said.

I sat down on the couch and a tear ran down my face.

"Are you okay?" Leo, Eric's dad asked me.

"Me? Yeah I'm fine. I'm happy he got in." I said brushing the tear off my face.

"You're sad because he's going to be far away, aren't you?"

"No, I'm just crying because I know how bad he wanted this. You know?" I said trying to smile.

"Don't worry, Eric isn't going to leave you. I can tell you two really love each other. You two will figure something out."

"I just don't want to hold him back from his dreams...."

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