3. Time for the big news

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Chapter Three

*Time for the big news*


Once Olivia announced why she was late she took a seat next to Mya taking some of her food.

Stuffing the food in her mouth causing Mya to smack her on the head making us all laugh at Olivia's face expression after being hit.

Unlike Mya and I, Olivia was the complete opposite of us. I mean don't get me wrong she was smart, but didn't like to show it. Olivia was more outgoing then Mya. As well as me she was also in the dance team at our school. Olivia was more of a rebel and wasn't afraid of anyone or anything. All though she was a bit taller then Mya and I, she didn't seem too scary. Unless she was mad which trust me not such a pretty side of her. I remember one time she punched a kid in the face just for touching her stuff, but that was when we were younger. Anyways she was a natural brunette but dyed her hair red. She was mostly known as a bad girl around here.

"Wait, wait, hold on are you saying you almost got a detention for being late?"

"Yes Mya but only if I get three calm yourself!" I told her for the tenth time.

If this is the way she reacted about me almost getting a detention I don't even want to know how she would act when I told them the bad news about me.

Mya looked so annoyed with Aideen and Olivia laughing about the way she reacted when I told them how my day was going. I, as the good friend I was tried my best to not laugh at her so she wouldn't feel bad.

"Ok guys it wasn't even that funny, you can stop now!" Mya said while playing with her food.

"True but your face was priceless!!!" Olivia said whipping a tear off from laughing so hard.

Aideen looked at me with a blank face expression. "Something tells me that's not all you have the tell us is it? " he said.

Oh boy here comes the hard part I've been trying to avoid. Time for me to finally tell them the big news.

"Come on Nikki tell us what else you're worried about." Olivia said.

"I don't know how to tell you guys this."

"Oh come on Nikki it can't be that bad." Mya said looking at Aideen and Olivia and then at me.

"Ok but first promise me that you guys won't make it harder then it already is."

All three of them nodded their heads at me.

I was so scared I started to rub my hands on my legs.

And then out of no where I felt a hand interwind with mine and when I looked down I noticed it was Aideen's hand.

I looked up at him and he gave me a weak smile and so did I.

Ok here it goes. Now is the time, I have to just say it.

Let it out Nikki! Come on you can do it!!

"Two days ago.... My parents said that we were going to ummm.... Move away." I closed my eyes tightly when I heard no respond from none of my friends.

Well at least they aren't yelling at me or any of that. So this was a good thing right?

What am I thinking they probably hate me now for dropping a bomb on them like that!


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