36. Stupid Project

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All this week I've been trying to avoid Eric. It's now Friday, finally done with the first week of school. I haven't really made much friends other then Andrea and Damian. Which doesn't really help when it comes to avoiding Eric.

Right now we were in lunch and I haven't really said anything. The table was always filled with all the jocks because Eric and Damian were part of the team. They would fool around for half of the time while me and Andrea would make small talk.

"So you never told me how you and Eric know each other." Andrea asked me.

"Know him know him, not really. I just met him during summer and hung out like 4 times I think." I said playing with my food. After that she just nodded her head and left the conversation alone. Thank god.

Once the bell ringed I said goodbye to Andrea and all the guys.

During my next class I spaced out for all of it. I was lost in my own little world. All I wished for was for this class to end so I can move on to the one I looked forward everyday. Art class.

This whole class period I just thought about Aideen. He's been sending my text all week asking me if we can talk and what not. I never answer him, I'm afraid....

So the question is should I let him back in?

But what about Eric?

I don't like him....

Or do I?

I thought to myself.

Finally the bell ringed and I made my way quickly out of the classroom. I was making my way to my locker until I felt some one put their arm around my shoulder.

"What the hell?" I asked annoyed, looking up at who it was. "What do you want Eric?" walking faster to my locker.

"Oh hey. How you been? Oh me ehh I guess. Would be nicer then being so rude." he said catching up to me.

I rolled my eyes at him once I reached my locker. When I was putting in my combination I covered his view with my other hand so he wouldn't see it. "Seriously Nicole? I'm Eric. The Eric. You think I didn't see that? Did you forget I'm a lot taller then you?" he said laughing.

"You saw my combination?!?!" I asked slamming my locker door. Before he even answered I walked away angry. Gosh he's such a pain in the ass sometimes.

Walking into class I took a seat were I sat the first day. Even though this was my favorite class, it was the hardest when it came to ignoring Eric. Why? because he was always right next to me, staring at me when he thought I wasn't looking.

"Damn you walk pretty fast." he said taking the seat next to me.

"You know I was kidding? I didn't see your combination...... or did I?" he said taking away my pencil.

Ignore him Nikki. Act like he's not even there.

"I can hear you. I love it when you talk out loud." crap he heard me.

"What do you want?" I asked him again taking my pencil back.

"Class settle down. Today I want you guys to work with the person next to you. It will be a partner project due for next Friday. This project will have to be kinda like a story about each other's life. Anyways you will have to tell your partner about yourself and they will find a way to connect everything together. Any questions?" Mr. Cruz said while walking around the classroom.

I looked up at Eric. He was smirking while I had a face expression that screamed 'kill me now!'

"Will this be a in school project only?" a girl asked him.

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