29. Again?

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Chapter Twenty nine

* Again? *


Aideen's POV

It's been a whole month since I last saw Nicole. When we first broke up I didn't think it would take this long to make things better between us. I would always call her, text her but she never answered. And then... when I went to go see her, I find her in the hands of some 'stranger' she didn't know.

She was giving me crap, yet she lets a 'stranger' hold her so close to him. But to top it off she told me to leave!

Ever since then I haven't bothered to look for her or anything. I am not going to be begging her for forgiveness when she did what she did.

I thought moving here close to her would make things better for us, but instead it parted us away. Everything when wrong after she moved. I thought we would be hanging out all summer long, but instead we decided to already let one month go by.

I looked up from the television when I heard a soft knock on my door. Who the hell was at the door?

I quickly got up and made my way over to it. When I was about to open it I remembered I didn't have a shirt on. Damn it! Debating about opening the door or turning to my room quickly for a shirt, I decided to just open it.

"You?" I said giving her a confused look."What are you doing here?" I asked moving away from the door to allow her to come in.

"I came to talk...." she said slowly making her way inside.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, telling her to take a seat on the couch.

"You know us.. Aideen it's been a month since we last saw each other."

"Well you decided it to be like that didn't you?"

"No! Well yes..... but don't you think we need to talk about it?" she said getting closer to me.

"Alright but first I have a question....who was that guy at your house?" I asked her.

"I....I don't know..... I wasn't joking around when I said I didn't know him....."Nicole said looking down. "As a matter of fact, I haven't seen him since that day!"

"Why did you let him put his hands around you then?"

"Because! I don't know I missed the feeling of you holding me I guess...."

"So it would be perfectly fine if I kissed another girl then?" I asked. I was just testing her. If she said she did it because she missed the feeling, then might as well let her think I kissed someone else during this time. After all, I could also say I missed the feeling too. Right?

"You kissed someone else? Aideen!"


"That's not the same thing!" she said getting up.

"I didn't do it... I'm just saying it." I said getting up next to her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"How do I believe you?" Nicole said placing her hand up to my cheek and looking me in the eyes.

"Like this." I said leaning in for a kiss.

"How do I know your not lying to me again?" she whispered while stopping me before I reached her lips.

"Because, why would I be stupid enough to lie to you again?" I said before closing the distinct between us.

Nicole moved one of her hands up to my hair, tugging on it. While the other one wrapped around my neck. This kiss was filled with need and love, making me think of how much I really did miss her.

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