25. Pointless Arguments

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Chapter twenty five

*Pointless Arguments*


Nicole's POV

Remind me to never in my life get on a car with my brother and my pregnant best friend! I would have to say these last hours with them have been the longest most miserable hours of my whole entire life.

We had to stop somewhere every once in a while because Mya was getting car sick. Doesn't that sound like fun? .-. On the other hand David would have his annoying music on super loud and would sing along to it. Oh but that's not all!!! Mya would then have to use the bathroom or start yelling at David to change the song.

I love them both very much but I never want to be in the car with them during a long car ride.

And on top of that, guess who never decided to answer any of my text or calls? Mr. Aideen, had I guess decide he just wasn't going to talk to me anymore is what I'm thinking since he's ignoring me.

"Oh my god!! Look David that place looks like it has some good food!!!! Can we please stop really quick?!" Mya said bouncing up and down on her seat like a little kid.

"Babe we are like seriously 5 minutes away from the house now! I'll just bring you here tomorrow yeah?" David said glancing over quickly at Mya.

"But I want it now not tomorrow!" Mya said.

They started to argue so before it would get out of hand I stepped in to their little food argument. "David will you just stop already and get the girl some food?!? I seriously don't think it will make a difference if we stop or don't at this point." I said as Mya mouthed a 'thank you' at me.



"See now was that so hard to do?" Mya said taking a big bite at what ever she had just ordered for herself. If this is how she was now, I can already imagine how she's going to be later on in her pregnancy.

"You're right, I'm sorry. So are you going to share some of that with me?" David said.

"No!! this is mine. I told you to order something for yourself and you said you didn't want to so-"

"Mya please just eat your food, and David, just focus on getting us to the new house already." I told them. Ahh I just want this to end already.


"OH MY GOD THANK GOD!!! It was about time already." I yelled getting out of David's car.

"What took you guys so long? We've been here for about an hour already." my dad asked us while he continued to carry stuff out of the truck.

"Let's just say we had to make a couple of stops on the way." I said looking back at Mya. All I caused her to do was to laugh, I wasn't trying to be funny. .-.

I made my way inside the house not even taking a minute to see if I liked it or not. All I wanted to do was sleep and forget the last few hours of my life.

"Hey mom!! Which one is my room?" I asked my mom once I found her looking at the kitchen.

"I don't know for now we are all just going to sleep anywhere and pick rooms probably tomorrow, or actually later today." she said without even turning around to look at me.

"Well can I at least get a pillow and a blanket so I can go get some rest already?"

"Nicole I am not your maid. Go ask your dad to help you look for the boxes with the blankets." she said quickly turning on and off the sink. "Oh and while you're at it have him bring in the boxes with the dishes."

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