18. What Is Happening?

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Chapter Eighteen

*What Is Happening?*


Aideens POV

Just the thought of Nicole having one more week with me killed me inside. Graduation was next weekend and Olivia and Mya were helping me plan a party for Nicole with the excuse of it being my graduation party. I was excited because maybe by then I had good news to tell her, but at the same time it could end up not going the way I wanted it to.

I was taken away from my thoughts when I felt a pair of soft hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" They said placing a kiss on the back of my neck. I obviously knew it was Nicole because I could smell her sweet pea perfume.

"Umm let me guess, is it Kayla?" I said turning around to see Nicole with her mouth open for what I had just said moments ago.

"Im just kidding princess! I knew it was you I was just messing with you." I said pulling her into me by taking hold of her by her hips.

"You better be!" She said peaking a kiss on my lips and placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Princess you know I only have eyes for you." I said placing kisses all over her beautiful face.

"Aideen stop! People are going to think you're weird." She said giggling at my actions.

"And you really think I care what people think?" I said with a smirk on my face. Taking her by surprise, I picked her up and tossed her over my shoulder and started running towards my car.

"AIDEEN!! PUT ME DOWN!!" She yelled while laughing.

When I reached my car, I smacked her butt before placing her down.

"Ouch! Aideen that hurt!" She said rubbing her butt and smacking me on the chest with her other hand.

"Sorry! What did you want me to do? It was right next to my face."

"Yeah, Yeah what ever! Did the girls already leave?" She asked walking over to the passenger door of my car.

"Mya said she had "stuff" to do and Olivia had to make up her detention, so that means we have all day to ourselves." I said going up to her and opening the door for her.

"I dont think we can today." She said getting in the car.


"Because, remember my parents get back today."

"Doesnt mean we cant hang out until they come back home?" I said already making my way to her house.

"Alright you win Aideen, but lets just stay at my house. Yeah?"

"As long as im with you Im perfectly fine with that." I said glancing over at her.

Once we got to her house we noticed Mya's car in the driveway.

"Oh look I wonder what Mya is doing here."

"Yeah thats pretty strange." Nicole said already getting out of the car.

When we walked in I saw Mya cleaning tears off of her face.David gave her his back and had both hands on his head.

"Mya? Why are you crying?" Nicole said walking up to her and pulling her in for a hug.

Just as Mya was about to speak out, David walked up to them and said, "Mya we have to wait." parting them away from eachother.

"What do you two have to wait on?" Nicole said making her way back to my side.


David's POV

"We're home!" I heard my dad say as he made his way in.

Great! Why now?

"Mya. Aideen. We weren't expecting you two here but we're glad to see you." My mom said giving Aideen a hug and then looking over at Mya. "Oh my! Honey what's wrong?" She said placing her hand on her shoulder.

Before Mya could say anything I said, "Dad. Mom. Can I talk to you in private?"

"David what's going on here?" My dad said looking confused.

"Just give me a minute with Mya first. Please." I said while taking hold of Mya's hand directing her over to my parents office. Closing the door, Mya broke the silence.

"David what are we going to do about this?" Mya said.

"Don't worry just leave it to me. Please trust me." I said placing both my hands on her shoulders and kissing her on the forehead.

I turned around at the sound of a door being opened.

"Now are you going to tell us what's going on?" Dad said as he walked inside the office.


Nicole's POV

"What do you think is going on?" I asked Aideen as I sat on his lap, resting my head on his chest.

"No idea. But don't worry you'll know sooner or later." He said raising my head up to face him. He leaned down a little, knowing exactly what he wanted, I kissed him.

We stopped at the sound of yelling coming from the office. Aideen stood up holding me in his arms.

I smiled at him and said, "Aideen." I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

"What?"he said.

"You can put me down now." I said laughing.

"What if I don't want to?" He said with a smirk on his face.

Giving him a 'you better put me down right now' face he said, "Okay fine. But. We. Will. Continue. This. Later." He said kissing me after he said every single word and placing me down.

It was a good thing he put me down because seconds later my dad came in looking pail.

"Dad what's wrong?"

"Why don't you go and ask your brother?" He said making his way upstairs.


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