33. This Needs To Stop

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School starts next week. I'm still not ready for it to start. Being the new girl doesn't really help either. On the bright side, at least I'll know Eric!

Speaking of Eric I haven't seen him since the kiss. I've been wanting to go see him but I chicken out. What if it's awkward now?

Oh what the heck! I'll never know if I don't go. I got up and put on some shoes, I told my parents I would be back and walked out of the house. I was going to take my car but I figured it would be pointless, I mean he does live pretty close so might as well walk.

Once I reached his door I stopped myself from knocking. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. No no no! Im going to knock and I won't make it awkward.

I ringed the door bell and waited there patiently. After about maybe two minutes someone finally answered the door.

Eric. Shirtless. Abs.

"Are you done daydreaming about me yet?" I heard him say to me bringing me back out of my thoughts.

"I wasn't daydreaming!"

"Yeah tell that to someone else." he said smirking. "what are you doing here anyways?"

"Rude much? I just wanted to stop by you know, talk about stuff..." oh god I'm making this awkward already I can feel it.

"Umm okay like?" he said stepping outside. I'm guessing I'm not getting invited in.

"I don't know..... anything how about.... umm school?" I said, causing him to laugh. "I wasn't trying to be funny." -____-

"You came here to talk about school?"

"No but since it starts next week I guess we can talk about it." I said sitting down on a two person swing he had outside his house. "you are in high school still right?"

"Are you calling me old?" he said trying to look a fended. Which he failed at. "yes I am I'm a senior like you." he said sitting on the swing with me putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Just making sure." I said removing his arm from me.

He didn't like the fact I did that because next think you know I'm on the ground. "Ouch what was that for?" I said getting up.

"Oops! my bad!"

"Eric can you come help me I can't find my movie!." I heard someone say from the door, causing me to look in that direction. There stood a young pretty girl around maybe 10 years old. Maybe Eric's sister? "Hi I'm Eric's sister, Gabriela but you can call me Gabby." she said smiling at me when she noticed I was looking at her.

"Hi I'm Nicole but you can call me Nikki." I said walking over to her.

"Gabby I'll be in there in a minute, go back inside." Eric said passing by.

"Okay." She said happily walking back inside.

"You need to go." Eric said sounding emotionless.

"Why? I can help you look for what ever you need to find for her." I said walking over to the door.

"No. You can leave." he said blocking my entrance.

"Come on Eric! Let her come in, she's pretty." I heard Gabby say from the window.

"Aww thank you. Come on Eric please let me help." I said putting my hands on his shoulder and shaking him a little.


I walked in and was embraced with a hug from Gabby. She's so cute. "Thanks for helping me convince Eric to let me in." I whispered in her ear while we both laughed.

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