chapter 4

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The air is so clean here; I breathed deep, and walked down the steps, and out of the yard. I walked here, and there trying to get a feel for the place.

There's all you need here, a supermarket, a pharmacy, and multiple stores, along the main street.

I turned down a street that came to a dead end and there it was the forest, thick lush and green, just calling to me, begging me to go to it. As soon as I saw it, my body started humming, my other side trying to come out. But I couldn't let it, not yet, not until sundown. "No. Take control, soon my pet, soon you will be free." With that she calmed down, enough so I could take control. I looked at my watch, and saw that it was almost six, so I started my walk back to the house. I got back, walked through the door, and smelt something amazing. Taking off my jacket, hanging it on a hook; I walked into the kitchen, and found Mia pulling something out of the oven. Without turning around, she said.

"Hello dear, supper is almost ready, go and wash up. There's a bathroom just down the hall, it's the second door on the left." I nodded, and went to find the bathroom.

The bathroom was decorated like the rest of the house, in modern, and vintage styles. I quickly washed up, and headed back out to the kitchen, no one was in there, so I headed over to the dining room, and found Mia just sitting down at the lovely set table. I sat down next to her. "I hope you like pot roast." I nodded, and said.

"Yes I do, I love it, thank you." She grabbed my plate, and started filling it. I didn't know what to do, or say for the amount of food. She put my plate down, and started filling hers.

"So tell me about yourself." I took a bite, than said. "Well there's not much to tell really. I'm on my own; I have been for a long time now. I'm done school; I just had to get a fresh start, so new town, and new me. That's about it really. I'm also looking for work." She looked at me. "Well I think I may able to help with that, as to your life, that can't be everything about you, there has to be something more, you can tell me." Shrugging. "No that's pretty much it." She studied me, for a moment, and then said.

"Okay I believe you. I also believe that there's something more to you, then meets the eye. But for now let's eat." I nodded, and we continued eating. We ate in silence, for a few moments, when I said. "So tell me, about this town, it's a little strange." She nodded. "Oh it's just one of those old towns that still act from the olden days. In some ways there strict, than in other ways there from the modern age. People leave, and at some point they usually come back, it's their home. But one thing you do not want to do, is piss off the elders."

I put down my fork, and said. "Who are the elders?" "Oh there the town counsel. The five main family's in town. They've been in here for generations. Also the seats stay in the bloodlines." Giving her a look. "What about the mayor?" She just chuckled, and said.

"Oh he's harmless. But I would stay clear, he tense to come on strong at times." "Yeah I kind of got that feeling. You don't think he would do something to me, do you?" She thought for a moment, it was like she didn't know how to answer. Finely after a moment, she seemed to have snapped out of it. Looking at me, she shook her head, saying.

"No of course not, dear he might be a little off at times. You could even call him odd, but no he won't do anything to you. He's a good man." motioning to my plate, she said.

"Now eat up, before it gets cold." I did as she said, I resumed eating, and we lapsed into silence again. I was starting to get the distinct feeling that you do as your elders tell you to do in this town! But I'm not sure I want to be like that in this town. By the time, we were done eating, it was a little after seven, the sun has just gone down, and my body was starting to twitch again.

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