chapter 13

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Once we opened, the place was crazy, it was none stop for the longest time. Everyone in town must have come in this morning. By noon we had to put the ovens back on to get stock back up.

"Shayla go and talk to Tina. We can handle things here for a while." "Are you sure?" He nodded, and handed me my bag.

"Ok. I'll be back as soon as I can." "Take your time. It will be slow for a little while." I nodded and walked out of the shop and went over to the diner.

As soon as I walked in, everyone that's in there looked at me. I just ignored them and sat at the counter as Tina came out from the back, giving me a warm smile. I've been here for a while, but people still look at me like I'm the freak in town.
"Well hello there stranger. I was wondering when I might see your face in here again." "Yeah sorry, I was busy is all." She nodded and put my order in, even though I didn't order anything yet. She came from behind the counter, sitting next to me. "I need to talk to you about something." Swinging my seat around, so I can face her.

"What is it?" "It's nothing to worry about, I'm thinking about leaving town for a while. I just need to get away from here for a little while." "Where would you go?" "I don't really know. New York maybe, but I'm not even sure I'm going to be leaving or not." "So why are you telling me then?" Shrugging. "Even though we haven't known each other for very long, I feel like I've known you forever." Nodding. "Yeah I know what you mean. Listen tonight after work come to my place and we'll hang out, and talk. What do you say?" She nodded. "Yeah that would be great." "Good I should be home around six. You can meet me at my place, or at the shop, just whenever you get done." "Okay that sounds good." Just then the bell rang, and the cook said "Order up" and it's time for her to get back to work. She gave me my usual plate and went around filling Coffey cups. Looking around there aren't many people in, but there mostly elderly people, and some are still watching me.

"Do you really think she'll really leave?"

She asked me through our mind bond.

"I don't know. I hope not, but if she does, then we can't really stop her from leaving. One way of the other, it's her choice."

She didn't say anything else, and I ate my lunch in silence. Watching people in the diner, and around town.

I don't see many kids, they must have them; I know there's a school around the corner; but I don't ever see much in the way of kids. Setting some money on the counter, Tina handed me a container for Quinn, and Lisa and gave me a wink, but I don't know what she means by that. I told her I would see her later, after work and just as I hit the sun, it hit me, I have like no food in my apartment.

I'm not entirely sure when I went to buy food last. It's almost two and people are milling about, child care givers with her little ones walking around, heading to the park, for some sun. Just when I thought there weren't kids, you see some.

Stepping into the shop Cormac is at the counter talking to Lisa, when he saw me he didn't say anything to me, just continued talking to her, like I didn't even exist.

"Your back." Looking around, Quinn is taking some muffins out of pans, as I stepped into the kitchen. "You're still baking?" He nodded. "Yeah. I got a large order for muffins, so that's what I'm doing." He gave me a smile as I set my bag and his food on the counter next to him. "What do you have there?" "Something for you. Why don't you have a seat, and eat and I'll finish that up for you."

He nodded, sitting on a nearby chair, while I finished up with the muffins. "So what did Tina want to talk to you about?" "Just girl stuff." "What does that mean? She's thinking about leaving isn't she?"

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