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One: Cuts and bruises plus a kiss

Azalea Miller

"So, it's known that you lived in North Carolina for senior year." Rachel, the girl interviewing me, stated.

"Yes." I nodded not knowing where this was going, I looked out at the crowd of fans as they stared up at the stage.

"Well, nobody knows where you were actually born and where it was you attended school before senior year, why is that?" She asked.

I looked back at her. "I lived in one house and I'm keeping it a secret, for now at least, of what state I lived before because a lot happened before I move to North Carolina." I explain.

"What happened?" She raised a eyebrow curious.

"I don't know how to explain it." I laugh. "It involved a boy, or boys, I should say. Four to be exact." I laughed again and looked back out at the crowd smiling.

"Look at you getting all the boys." She teased and laughed.

I laughed with her. "No, not like that, one of them how you think, the other three were my best friends along with that one boy. We were the five best friends, pretty cliche."

"Did you and this boy end on bad terms or something? Is that why you moved to North Carolina?" She asked.

"No, we were actually still together when I moved to North Carolina." I explain. "We ended on bad terms and I haven't talked to him since our breakup but I don't have anything against him so, I don't know if we are on bad terms still."

"What do you mean?"

"So, it's known that I'm moving to LA and in with two of my best friends from North Carolina, Nash and Hayes. If me and him were still together I'd most likely be moving in with him in LA." I say and she nodded. "So, it's a story for sure but basically-."

"Tell us the story," she said smiling. "Like how did you guys move on from best friends to being boyfriend and girlfriend to complete strangers, apparently, now?" She asked. "How did it all change?"

I laughed. "Well you see, we both had a reputation in school, all five of us." I started.

-3 & 1/2 years ago; Junior year-

"Lea, you still coming to the party tonight?" Gilinsky asked.

"Who do you think I am?" I asked faking being offended. "Yeah, of course." I nodded. "We'll meet you guys there, me and Samuel have detention." I rolled my eyes.

"What did you guys do this time?" Johnson laughed while he shook his head slightly.

"I was pissed off at him still from lunch so I made him sit across the room and he decide to throw paper balls at me and I threw them back." I explained with a shrug.

"What class?" Nate asked.


"Lil ma, I love you and all but you two are both stupid."

"Yea, yea." I laugh. "Love ya too."

"Gotta go." I said and jogged off a few doors down and I walked into the detention room.

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