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Fourteen: Drunk and Angry Swimming

Azalea Miller

-3 & 1/2 years ago; junior year-


This week has been boring. It's just consisted of me and Hunter flirting and making out in the halls if Sam passed by.

It's been a battle between me and Sam basically.

He catches me and Hunter making out, less than five minutes later he's making out with some girl.

Even though this week has been boring besides our battle, I've been looking forward for the weekend. Not only because it meant no school for two days but also because my mom wasn't gonna be home so I could leave the house for two days also.

We were gonna go to hang out at Sam's today instead of going to a party.

We were gonna invite one of Sam's hoes, Hunter and Sasha but G and Nate said no because they would have no one. Which I'm glad they said no because I don't think I want to see Sam sucking faces with some girl right now.

When we got to Sam's we all decide to hang out back smoking and drinking while listening to music.

It was fun. We all danced like idiots while drinking and smoking. We sang and rapped while someone else recorded.

Like I said it was fun, it was like none of the battle that went on between me and Sam during the week happened. It was like we went back to our old selves, the best friend old self and the whatever we were old self.

"I'm so happy you two are normal." JJ slurred a very small bit and pointed at Sam and I as we all sat down to catch our breaths from dancing like idiots.

"What?" I laughed.

"What do you mean?" Sam laughed with me.

"You two have been all weird all week." Nate said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, what ever drama and shit that happened seems to be gone between you too." Gilinsky slurred out and smiled. I think G was the drunkest out of all of us.

"Who says shit happened between us?" I stated.

"We are your best friends, we know something happened." Nate laughed.

"Oh, whatever." I rolled my eyes. Sam took a swig of his beer and I did the same to mine. "I gotta pee, B.R.B." I said standing up.

I started to walk away but got lifted up and thrown over a shoulder. "Put me down." I laughed.

"Nope." He said and it was Sam's voice. I lifted my head and say Gilinsky recording while laughing with the others.

"Samuel!" I laughed and hit his back.

"You want down?" He asked.

"Yes!" I shouted.

"Okay, baby." He said and I could hear the evil smirk in his voice. Less than two seconds later I was under the water in the pool. I swam up and saw Sam laughing.

"Ayeee!" I shouted.

"What?" He said acting as if he was confused.

"At least help me up." I said swimming to the edge.

"No." He shook his head like a child.

"Please, Sammy." I pleaded. "It's really cold." I said wrapping my arms around my self.

He sighed and held his hand out.

I grabbed his hand and platted my feet on the side of the wall yanking him in before he could realize what I was doing. When he hit the water all I heard was the laughs from the other boys.

I was pulled down under the water and came up as soon as possible. "Samuel!" I shout and hit his chest.

"What?" He acted dumb again.

"I hate you." I crossed my arms.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled down at me. "No you don't."

I turned my head away not looking at him, I looked over at the others that were back to smoking and drinking like we weren't in the pool.

"Aye ma." He said turning my face to him. He kept his hand placed on my cheek.

"What?" I asked softly staring into his eyes.

He smiled. "Nothing, I just missed this." He said.

"Missed what?" I asked confused by what he meant.

"This." He smiled. "Me and you being like this." He continued to smile and I blushed knowing what he meant. I cover my face and looked down. "Stop, covering you face." He chuckled. "You can't say you didn't miss this either." He smiled as he looked into my eyes.

"I did miss this." I said honestly and it caused his smile to grow bigger. "But it's not my fault that I miss this and that you miss this."

"What? What do you mean?" He asked obviously taken back by my statement. His smile was flatter.

"I mean your the one who got mad and went hooking up with some girl causing this to stop." I said.

He stepped back. "I had, have a right to mad." He said harshly, but quiet so the others didn't hear.

"No, you didn't though." I laugh a little.

"I didn't?" He laughed. "That's funny. I had every right to be mad."

"Really? Okay, what are those 'rights' then?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You said you liked me, then I found out you and G had a thing and I didn't even know." He said.

I gave a small dry laugh. "The thing me and G had was just a drunken hook up, before I said I even liked you. And I didn't know it was such a big deal that you didn't know, the others didn't know, only me and G."

He rolled his eyes.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Your probably lying to cover your own ass." He said and rolled his eyes again.

"Really?" I laughed I started to head for the steps of the pool. "You and everyone has said how bad of I liar I am so you are obviously trying to justify your actions of hooking up with who knows how many girls this past week because you know you don't have a right to be mad." With that I walked up the steps of the pool.

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7/12/17 | 1014 words - edited

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