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Azalea Miller

-2 & 1/2 years ago; Senior year-

The past two months have been normal. Me and Sam texting and FaceTimeing everyday; he still is iffy with me hanging out with Luke, Seb and Joey, he doesn't know about Nash and Hayes yet because he hasn't met them so he hasn't been able to judge them.

Ethan and Katie have gotten really serious. Ethan got back a month go after having to leave for about two weeks and doesn't know when he is going back again. Ethan has taken a fatherly figure to Jackson, not that he wasn't a fatherly figure when Ethan and Katie were together off and on he is just taking it more serious. I've never seen him like this. Katie absolutely adores it when Ethan and Jackson are together, like when me and her have a girls day and Ethan watches Jackson. Katie and him are living together at her apartment but Ethan still says grandma and grandpa's house is his home still so he stays here every Sunday night and drives me to school Monday. He says he isn't fully living at Katie's is because of me, he says he doesn't want to leave me again; I've tried to talk to him and tell him I'm fine but it doesn't work out.

Nash and Hayes have become my new best friends and still record me when ever I am singing and post it on Vine, since they are getting bigger the more people see it. They keep trying to get me to make a YouTube channel and post covers but I keep saying no.

"Lea," Nash said waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times and looked at him raising a brow. "Your phone." He pointed to my phone on the table.

I looked at it and Ethan's name was across the screen. I grabbed it and got out of the booth and headed out of Pops. As I opened the door I answered, "What's up?"

"Where are you?" He asked.

"Pops with the boys."

"Can you get home?" He asked. "I want your opinion."

"Uh, yeah." I say and nod even though he can't see me. "I'll be there in a few."

"Okay," he said. "Love you." He said and hung up.

I put my phone away and told the boys I had to go and Seb said he would give me ride.

I closed the door and buckled up while Seb did the same. "You didn't need to give a ride, Seb." I said as he backed out of the parking spot.

"No biggie," he waved it off. "Plus I wanted to tell you something."

"Okay?" I furrow my eyebrows and look at him waiting for him to tell me. "What is it?"

"Okay, uh," he paused. "It's difficult to say," he said. "I, uh,"

"Seb?" I furrowed my eyes more and put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. "You can tell me, are you in trouble?"

He laughed a little, "I'm fine, not in trouble." He shook his head as he pulled up to my house. He parked on the curb and looked down at his hands.

"Seb, don't tell me if you don't want to." I said rubbing my thumb on his shoulder to soothe him. "I'm here for you though, okay?"

"I know you are," he said. "I want to tell you. I haven't told my parents or the guys, I wanted you to know because you are like a sister to me."

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