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Four: Confessions and Best Friends

Azalea Miller

-3 & 1/2 years ago; Junior year-

"I'll met you guys at Gilinsky's?" I asked as we all walked out of the school.

"We can wait for you at your house." Sam said.

"No no." I shook my head. "It's good, I'll just meet you guys there." I said. "Bye!" I waved and walked away before any of them would come with me.

Once I got to my house I walked in and didn't see my Dad, thank god. I walked over to my room and grabbed my a bag to put some clothes in.

Once I was done I closed my door and walked down the hall. "Where are you going?" I heard my Dad's voice, when I came home he must of been in the bathroom or his room.

"Over to Gilinsky's." I said and continued to the door.

"What's in the bag?" He stepped in front of me, stopping me from moving forward.

"Stuff." I said and tried to move past him.

"Hey, not so fast." He said and grabbed on to my fore arm stopping me and pulled my bag off my shoulder. He opened it up and dug threw it.

"Calm down, I didn't take your drugs." I gave a bitchy smile.

"Why does your bag smell of them then?" He said and I could smell the alcohol and weed on his breath.

"Probably because one of your pervert friends went into my room and went threw my stuff." I said rolling my eyes and grabbed my bag back from him closing it up. "Bye." I said walking to the door.

I don't normal talk back to him when my mom is here because he'll either hurt me or her but when she isn't I don't give a crap.

"Your not going any where." He said grabbing my arm harshly.

"Yes, I am." I yanked my arm back.

He hit me. "No, your not." He said sternly.

"Yes, I am." I said again trying to stand tall like his hit did nothing to me.

He pushed me onto the ground and I fell straight onto my back. "No, you aren't!" He spat at me and kicked my leg.

I stood up. "Yes, I am." I said and pushed him back enough to get past him and to the door.

"Bitch." He said and yanked me back by my hair and hit me twice more.

Before he could again I brought my knee up and kneed him in the place every guy like to be kneed, sarcasm.

He kneeled down and groaned. "You little bitch." He groaned out as I left the house, running.

I sighed and made my way down the street heading towards Gilinsky's house.

I bet my eyes are red, I wasn't gonna cry. He's been like that ever since Ethan, my brother, left and moved to North Carolina. We have always been tight on money so Ethan sends money every month to help until I move out, even though the money never goes to useful things-it always goes to alcohol and what ever drug my dad feels like that month, but sometimes I can get the check first and split it half and play it off as the full money to my dad because he is always to out of it to count it.

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