Chapter I

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It was 3:30 in the morning and her mother was shaking her awake.

"Five more minutes, Mom." she said.

"No! Now get a move on or we'll leave you here!" her mother yelled at her.

She opened her eyes realizing it was summer break. They're going on vacation to visit family members in another state.

"This is going to be so much fun!" she squealed.

"Yeah, whatever." said her sister.

"Wait! You're not excited to be going on vacation!" she exclaimed.

"No, not really." her sister said.

"Why not?" she asked.

"I'd rather be with my friends at camp." her sister said.

"Camp's not for another two weeks. Now let's get moving, we're already running late. Time's a wasting." their mother said walking past them towards the door.

Their father was loading the luggage into the trunk as fast as it was brought outside. As soon as all the luggage was loaded, they would leave. Mom was doing a quick once over to make sure nothing and nobody was left behind.

"We've got everything. We can go." her nother said as she shut and locked the door.

They got into the car and drove east towards their destination - Georgia. This was her and her sister's first trip out of Texas. They were going to see their sister and brother that lived there among other family members they had never seen before.

She was so excited she couldn't hold it in any longer. She squealed inside the car. both her nother and father looked at her angrily.

"Do that again and I'll turn this damn car around!" her father threatened.

"Yes, Sir!" she said, "But I can't help it."

"Try ok." her father said.

"I'll try." she said, "But it won't be easy."

"Why don't you try to sleep for a while. That should help you be quite." her father said.

"Does snoring count?" she asked. "Cause if I snore, I still won't be quite." she said smiling.

"Just try and get some sleep. the sun will be up before you know it." her father said.

"Ok, Daddy." she said as she laid her head against the window.

She was watching out the window. There was nothing to be seen. No cars were out at this time of morning. So, she looked up and realized she could see stars shining down. She stared at the stars trying to see constellations but she couldn't make any out without her charts. She realized she had left them at home so she just watched the stars shine until she fell asleep.

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now