Chapter XLI

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 They drove to the lake they had been to before. The one with the raft. Shelby was excited cause there wasn't a soul in sight. Vince grabbed the cooler. Donald and John got the fireworks and lighters. Shelby and Tommy had the quilts. They picked out a spot and placed the quilts on the ground. Vince put the cooler between the quilts for easy access. Donald and John put the fireworks down by the shoreline. They waited for the sky to get a little darker before they started.

Shelby and Tommy shared a quilt. Vince sat on the other one alone. Shelby laid down while Tommy sat up beside her. John paid no attention to any of them. He squatted by the shoreline waiting for more darkness.

"Kill the lights. We don't want to get stuck out here for the night." John yelled.

Vince ran to the car and turned off the headlights. Now, it was dark. Dark enough that no one could be seen. John started setting up the fireworks. He lit them one by one and then ran. They were loud and bright.

Tommy laid down beside her and took her hand. She turned to smile at him but she couldn't really make out his face. When the next firework went off, she realized he wasn't even looking at her. He was watching the show. She went back to watching the show herself.

The fireworks show went on for about an hour or so. By the time they were finished, no one could hear right from the loudness.

They waited until their hearing cleared up to head back to the house.

They packed up their things and got into the car. Shelby had a slight headache but nothing major. Vince turned on the radio and John immediately turned the volume down.

"That was a little too loud." he said. "Does everyone agree?" he asked.

"Yes, that was too loud." Shelby said. "I've got a headache."

"I do, too." John said. "It was the fireworks that caused it."

John drove home slowly. He was being cautious. He didn't want anything to happen to them today. Donald was watching out the window at something. Then Shelby saw them. There were more fireworks going off somewhere.

John refused to go search for them. Instead, they went to the house.

"We're done for the night. Besides, I have a birthday party to start planning." John said.

"Really. You're really going to give me a party." she said.

"Yes, kiddo. You're going to have a great party. It's your first celebration here and you deserve the best." John said.

Tommy put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. She put her head against his chest. She could hear his heart beating. She put her hand on his chest next to her head. Her other hand landed on his leg. She snuggled up close to him.

John looked in the mirror but didn't say a word. He left them alone again for a second tim. He would glance over at them occasionally just to check. He noticed that Shelby was smiling while Tommy held her. Tommy was harder to read. John knew for certain that Shelby loved Tommy. Now, all he needed to know for sure was Tommy loved Shelby.

They drove into the driveway. Joyce and Frank weren't back yet. Donald and Vince said their goodbyes and left. Tommy walked Shelby to the door. John grabbed the quilts and cooler.

"Hold the door" John yelled.

Tommy held the door open for John. Tommy took the quilts and put them back on the couch. Shelby's head was hurting so she headed to the bathroom. She found the pain relievers and took two pills. She headed for her room to lay down.

Tommy appeared at the door. He stuck his head in then walked in. He sat down on the side of the bed.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"My head hurts. I just took some pills. I'm hoping they'll kick in soon. I thought maybe laying down might also help." she explained.

"Would you like some company?" he asked.

"I would love some company." she said.

He climbed over her gently and laid down beside her. He put his arm across her. She grabbed a hold of his arm and snuggled close against him again. She closed her eyes and dozed off.

Hours later, she woke up and heard voices. She listened intently to what was being said. She recognized the voices. It was John and Tommy.

"She's got scratches and bruises all over her body." Tommy said.

"I don't want to hear this." John said.

"You need to hear this. They weren't kidding around. They meant to hurt her. Something needs to be done." Tommy said.

"What do you want to do?" John asked.

"With Donald's and Vince's help, the four of us should be able to take them out one at a time." Tommy said.

"And then what?" John asked.

"Then that's the end of it." Tommy said.

"Are you sure?" John asked.

"No, but that's what I've got. If we don't do something now, what's going to keep them from trying again or succeeding." Tommy said.

"I hear you and I understand but I've got to think about what Shelby would want. You want to hurt them because they hurt her. I get that. I really do. But what's going to keep them from trying again anyway. Beating them up is only going to make them madder. We need something that will teach them "hands off"." John said.

"Yeah, but what?" Tommy asked.

"When I figure that out, I'll let you know." John said. "I'll keep working on it. Trust me. They're going to learn they messed with the wrong person. Agreed."

"Agreed." Tommy said.

"You go watch over Shelby and I'll sleep on it, ok." John said.

Tommy left John's room and returned to Shelby's. She pretended to be asleep when Tommy crawled beack into bed. He kissed her on the forehead. She snuggled up to his chest. She laid there listening to him breathe. She looked up at him and he had fallen to sleep. She closed her eyes and did the same.

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now