Chapter IX

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 Morning came early, or so she thought. She opened her eyes and light was shining outside. There were noises coming from somewhere in the house. She yawned and stretched. She rolled over to find that Gracey was already awake and out of bed. She rolled back over and looked out the window again.

There was someone next door. Three guys were standing in the yard. Two looked about John's age and the other look young like her. She couldn't make out their faces. They were too far away for her to make them out. She was certain they were guys.

She crawled out of bed and went closer to the window. She watched them for a few minutes. She saw John outside walking across the yard to where they were. She stood as still as she could. She didn't eant to be seen. She could hear them talking and laughing but she couldn't make out what they were saying though.

She heard a noise from behind her. She turned and Gracey was standing right behind her.

"What are you looking at?" Gracey asked.

"Nothing." she said.

Gracey looked out the window. There was John outside talking with some friends.

"Were you spying on them?" Gracey teased.

"No. I was just looking." she replied.

"Well, come on. Your breakfast is getting cold." Gracey said.

They turned and left the bedroom. She followed Gracey to the kitchen. She sat down at the table where an empty plate was sitting. There was still plenty to eat. She served herself and started eating. Her mom walked in and saw her there.

Shelby was watching the guys next door." Gracey said as she laughed.

"That's not funny." she said.

"She was staring out the window at them when I walked in the room." Gracey said. "I think she likes one of them."

"That's not true." she said.

"That's enough Gracey. Leave her alone." their mom said.

"It's about time you got up." her mom said.

"Did I oversleep?" she asked not knowing what time it was.

"Not too bad. It's still morning." her mom said. Did you sleep ok?" her mom asked.

"Yeah." she said.

"So what's this about the guys you were watching out the window?" her mom asked.

"It's nothing. I was just being nosy." she said.

"Gracey, why don't you go ahead and start unloading the car like a good girl." their mom said.

"Sure Mom. Whatever you say." Gracey said as she left the kitchen.

She finished her plate and got up from the table. She put her plate in the sink with the rest. She went to leave the kitchen when her mom stopped her.

"Where are you going?" her mom asked.

"Outside." she answered.

"Good. You can help unload the car." her mom said.

She made a horrible face. She didn't want to work. She's on vacation. She wanted to hang out with John and his friends.

"Don't look at me like that. Now go, scoot." her mom said.

She left the kitchen and went to find her shoes. She had no idea where they were. She found her shoes in the floor by the couch. She didn't even realize she had taken them off. She sat down, put them on and went outside to the car. Her dad was sitting on the porch talking. Gracey was in the car pulling things out.

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