Chapter XXXVI

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 Shelby still had to get up and cook breakfast one more time. This was the last time she had to. She might still cook just because she was starting to enjoy doing it.

Frank and John strolled in and sat down. Shelby served them coffee while they waited. Tommy was always last just not in his mind. He sat down next to John and waited for his coffee. Shelby brought a cup of coffee to him and gave him a good morning kiss in front of everyone. She had embarrassed Tommy and made everyone else laugh.

She had cooked pancakes today. Something she didn't normally do. Nobody complained. They sat and ate until they were all gone.

Frank and John left for the day. Joyce was still in bed. That left Tommy and Shelby alone for a few minutes.

"What are you're plans for tonight?" Shelby asked.

"I don't have any plans right now." Tommy said leaning over the table. "You shouldn't kiss me like that."

"Why not?" Shelby asked.

"Because it makes me want to skip work and sty here with you." Tommy said.

"Joyce is still here. She doesn't leave until eleven thirty." Shelby said.

Tommy bowed his head and said, "There's always something. I can't get enough time to be alone with you."

"We get to be together tonight." she said.

"For how long?" Tommy asked.

"How long do you need?" Shelby asked teasing.

"Don't do that. I have to go to work. I don't want to be late." he said.

Shelby walked him to the door and kissed him goodbye just like she kissed him good morning. He stood there looking at her.

"You need to stop doing that." he said.

"And you need to go to work." she said.

"Yes, I do. I'll see you later." he said walking off the porch towards his car.

"Have a good day." she yelled waving bye.

She stood there watching him drive away. When he was gone from sight, she went back into the kitchen and cooked more pancakes for Joyce's breakfast. Then she started the dish water. By the time she had put the dishes in soak, Joyce was done eating.

"Is there anything else that needs to be done today?" Shelby asked.

"Just do the dishes. That's all. Take the rest of the day off. You've worked real hard for the past two weeks." Joyce said.

"Thank you." Shelby said.

She went back to the sink and washed the dishes. Then she cleaned the table and the countertop. Then she swept the kitchen floor. She made sure the kitchen looked perfect before leaving.

She went to her room and laid down on the bed. She grabbed the book and began to read again. She was understanding so much more than before. She read until Joyce stepped to the door and knocked.

"Yes." Shelby said.

"I'm on my way out. Thank you for cleaning up the kitchen." Joyce said.

"You're welcome." Shelby said.

"Is there anything you'd like for dessert tonight?" Joyce asked.

"Chocolate ice cream." she said.

"You got it kiddo." Joyce said. "See you later."

"Bye." she said.

She laid there until she heard Joyce close the door. She walked into the living room and watched Joyce drive off. She went back into the room and put on her shoes. She walked out the backdoor to the treehouse. She climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch. She pulled herself inside and went straight to the bookshelf. She moved some of the book and found the magazine that someone had hidden there.

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