Chapter XXVI

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 They got into the car and drove back. Tommy got her back in plenty of time. When they pulled into the drive, John was on the porch waiting. He didn't look too happy.

"See, I told you. There's John waiting on us." she said.

"Yeah, I see him. I don't think I should get out of the car." he laughed.

"Will I see you later or tomorrow?" she asked.

"I don't know. I have to work tomorrow. I'll try to come by tomorrow after work. Ok." he said.

"Ok." she said.

She sat there waiting on a goodbye kiss. When he didn't kiss her, she kissed him and hopped out of the car.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." she said as she shut the door.

She turned toward the house. John was waling towards her quickly. She stood her ground. He walked right up to her and got in her face.

"What in the world are you doing, Shelby?" he yelled.

"I kissed Tommy goodbye." she answered.

John stood there not knowing what to say next. She walked around him and to the house. John turned and looked at Tommy who was still sitting in the drive watching. Tommy shrugged his shoulders and backed out of the drive. John shook his head and started laughing. She stopped at the door to look back at him.

"What's gotten into you?" she asked.

"Oh, I don't know. I just find it so funny that it's you that Tommy's decided to settle with." he said.

"What do you mean, John?" she asked.

"You've got him wrapped around your finger already. He's changing. If that had been anybody else he left with, he wouldn't be back yet. Maybe, you'll be good for him." John stated.

"So, you'll back off for now and let us alone." she said.

"For now but if he tries anything that he shouldn't, he'll have to answer to me." John said.

"Fine, just don't kill him." she said.

"I can't promise anything." John said.

"He didn't do anything he shouldn't. Ok." she said.

"Would you tell me if he did?" John asked.

"No!" she laughed.

"See, that's what I mean. I'll work on my trust if you promise to be careful." John said.

"I promise I'll be careful." she said.

John walked up the steps and put his arm around her shoulder. He kissed her on the side of the head. They walked into the house together.

"Let's go eat." John said.

"Yeah, I'm hungry." she said.

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now