Chapter XXXII

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 They finally pulled into the drive slowly. Tommy was trying to be quiet. They had missed curfew by twenty minutes. If anyone was still awake, they all would be in trouble. Tommy had promised to be home on time tonight so he could go out again. He tried to keep everybody quiet which wasn't easy because they were drunk.

Shelby wasn't helping matters much. She couldn't stop laughing at them. They were the funniest bunch of drunks she had ever seen. She had seen people drunk before but they were nothing like this. She tried to get John under control then he's say something dumb. She would bust out laughing. Everytime she laughed, Tommy would "shh" her.

They decided to pick one person at a time to take home. They took Donald home first then Vince leaving John for last. John was the hardest. He wouldn't be quiet for nothing. No matter what they did or said, John was still loud.

"He's going to get us in trouble." Tommy said.

"Wait. Where's Frank's car?" she asked.

"I don't know. Wait. That means he's not here." Tommy said. "We might just get away with this."

"If he's not here, what about Joyce?" she asked.

"Joyce is still a problem. Damn, Shelby, we almost had this made." he said. "Why would you say that?" he asked.

"I'm sorry." she said.

They walked John to the steps. He didn't work with them. They had trouble getting him to go up the steps. Five minutes later, they were on the porch headed towards the front door. Shelby reached out for the knob slowly grabbing it and turning it slowly..The door opened and they quietly walked inside.

John started talking again. Tommy "shh" at him. That made John angry. He started to yell. Shelby put her hand up to stop Tommy from moving any further.

"I'm going to check and see if Joyce is here. I'll be right back." she whispered.

Tommy nodded and kept a grip on John to keep him from falling. Shelby went to Frank and Joyce's room. The room was empty. No one was home apparently.

Shelby returned and said, "The coast is clear."

They dragged John up the hallway and into his room quickly. They flung him onto his bed. The next thing they heard was John snoring. They both smiled at each other.

"Mission accomplished." Tommy said.

"What about you? Can you sneak in without getting caught?" she asked.

"I should be able to. I've done it before." Tommy said as they left John's room.

They walked up the hallway together holding hands as they went. She walked him to the front door. Tommy held out the keys and she put them in the dish ontop of the TV. She stood there waiting to see if Tommy was going to kiss her good night.

"I've got to go." he said.

"Be careful." she said.

As he turned, she grabbed his arm and stepped out onto the porch. She put her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her waist. He leaned down and kissed her good night.

"For good luck." she said.

"Yeah. Right." he said as he let her go.

He walked off the porch and across the yard to his house. She stood there and watched him disappear inside his house. She ran inside, shut the door and ran to her room to watch from the window.

The light went on in his room. The curtain was pulled closed so she couldn't see in. She watched until the light went back off. She got up from the window and walked over to her bed. She sat down, took her phone out of her purse and placed it on the nightstand. She put her purse on the chair like always.

She got back up and went into the bathroom to wash off her make up. When she finished, she went back into the bedroom noticing that Tommy's light was back on. She watched from a distance just in case someone looked out the window. She didn't want to be seen. She grabbed her gown and undressed. She watched ans now listened. Noise started coming from next door. Somebody was yelling.

"Damn! Tommy must have gotten caught." she thought.

She pulled her gown over her head still listening in trying to hear what was being said.

"He's not going to be in a good mood tomorrow morning." she thought.

The yelling got louder and there were two voices now. Tommy took as much as he could until something set him off.

"Maybe he'll tell me tomorrow if I ask." she thought. "Oh! Wait! I can't ask Tommy or he'll know I overheard the arguement."

She climbed into bed and laid down facing the window. The light stayed on for over an hour. She knew for sure because she checked the time on her phone. She stared out the window listening to the loud voices but not understanding what was being said.

"I wish I knew what this is all about." she thought.

She heard a door slam. She had dozed off and been awaken by the sound. She looked out the window to see Tommy and his mom on the porch.

"Fine! Then I won't stay here!" Tommy yelled.

"Where are you going?" his mom asked.

"Next door to John's. At least I know I'm welcome there." he said storming across the yard.

A few minutes later, Tommy was walking into the house. She could hear him walking up the hallway. He walked to John's room without stopping at her room. She laid very still listening to what was being said.

"John, can I sleep here tonight?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, just not in here. Go sleep in the spare room." John said.

"Shelby's in there sleeping remember. I can't sleep with Shelby." Tommy said.

"Why not?" John asked. "You've been trying to sleep with her this whole time. Now's your chance." John said.

"Ok, if you say so. I guess it's alright as long as I don't get caught." Tommy said as he walked back towards Shelby's room.

He looked in and asked, "Shelby, is it ok if I sleep in here with you?"

"It's ok with me." she answered.

"I promise I won't try anything. I swear." Tommy said as he climbed into bed.

Shelby got up and walked to the door shutting it. She then walked to the window and closed the curtains. He watched intently.

"You don't want to get caught, do you?" she asked.

"No, I don't" he said.

"If no one can see into the room, no one will know." she said as she slid back into bed.

"Am I allowed to touch you?" Tommy asked.

"What kind of touching are you talking about?" she asked.

"I want to hold you while we sleep." he said.

"I have no problem with that." she said sliding closer to him.

He put his arm around her and she put her head on his chest. He stroked her hair back away from her face then kissed her on the head. She listened to his heartbeat and slowly fell asleep.

Summer Romance #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now