Chapter XXXVII

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 The ride to the party was a long one. They killed time by singing songs on the radio like always. When they left, the sun was still up. By the time they arrived, the sun had set.

John didn't tell anyone where they were headed. The party was out in the middle of a cornfield out of city limits. Cars and trucks packed the edge of this cornfield. You could hear music playing. They followed the line of vehicles to the center of the party. There were people everywhere. Some were dancing others were drinking. Then there were some doing both, dancing while drinking.

"Stay close to Tommy." John said to Shelby. "Don't let her out of your sight no matter what." John said to Tommy.

Tommy grabbed Shelby's hand and held on tightly. She followed him to get a drink. They had beer of all kinds. She didn't drink beer though. Tommy leaned in and talked to the guy by the coolers. He pointed to a cooler on the end. It was full of sodas. She grabbed what she wanted and they tried to not get lost in the crowd. They had lost John, Donald and Vince already. They had only been there a couple of minutes.

Tommy motioned her towards a truck with the tailgate down. He talked to the two guys standing there. He grabbed her around the waist and helped her on to the tailgate. He stood up in between her legs. She enjoyed the fact he was comfortable around her.

He leaned back on her and she wrapped her free arm around him. He put his hand ontop of hers and held it. She sat there with no problem about where he was. She felt very comfortable.

She had finished her coke and sat the can down. The guy standing by the truck took it and threw it away for her. She nodded and he nodded back.

A slow song started to play. She leaned forward about to ask him to dance when he turned.

"Do you want to dance?" he asked.

"I was just going to ask you. Yes, I do." she said.

He help her off the tailgate and led her over to where a group of people were dancing. She put her arms around his neck and he put his hands on her waist. He moved slowly with her following his lead. He leaned over and kissed her.

She was having the time of her life. She was somewhat alone with him. She didn't have John, Donald or Vince watching over them. She could be with him and nothing was being said about it. Nobody there cared she was too young or that she was with Tommy. It was the greatest feeling she had ever felt.

When the song ended, they walked back to the truck. He picked her up as before and helped her sit down on the tailgate. Even with her heels on, she couldn't have gotten on the tailgate by herself. Tommy placed himself back between her legs. He leaned back against her. She wrapped her arms around him and leaned forward.

"Thank you for the dance." she said.

"Let me know if you want to dance again. I'm just going to stand here and protect you." he said.

"Who's going to protect me from you? she asked.

He smiled and said, "You don't need protecting from me. I don't bite."

John walked up and spoke to just Tommy. John kept his eyes on Shelby while he talked. This made Shelby uncomfortable. She felt like someone may have said something about her.

"I got this John. I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere without her nor is she without me." Tommy said.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"It's nothing." he said.

"What happened, Tommy?" she asked.

"Some guys were talking about us. It's fine. It's just talk." he said.

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