Chapter XXVIII

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 The next morning, Shelby slept late. When she finally climbed out of bed, it was nearly noon. Everybody was gone and she was all alone. She had six hours until her date with Tommy. She piddled around trying to waste time. She was finding it difficult to do.

She sat down on the couch and watched a little TV. There was nothing on but she watched it anyway. She finished flipping stations until she had returned to the station she started on. She put the remote down and walked away from the TV.

She went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. There was plenty of food but she was having a hard time choosing what to get. She grabbed a handful of grapes and shut the door. She looked at the clock on the wall before leaving. She had only wasted five minutes.

She went to the front door, opened it and walked out onto the porch. She sat down in a chair and ate her grapes. She watched for cars to pass by but there weren't many.

"Wasting time takes forever." she thought.

She sat on the porch most of the afternoon. She didn't have anything else to do but get ready for her date later. She had plenty of time. She sat there not realizing she was dozing off. The next thing she remembered was someone was shaking her awake.

She opened her eyes and jumped. John was right in her face, He started laughing.

"I scared you, didn't I." John said.

"Yeah. You nearly gave me a heart attack." she said.

"Sorry." John said. "How long have you been out here?" John asked.

"I don't know." she said. "What time is it?" she asked.

"Fifteen minutes until five." John said.

"Crap! I have to get ready." she said as she jumped up out of the chair.

"Slow down. Slow down. I've got help coming." John said.

"What?" she asked.

"Cheryl's coming to help out. Everything is going to be fine. Come on." John said.

Shelby followed John into the house. Frank was in the kitchen looking for something to prepare for dinner.

"Hey there, little lady." Frank said. "Did you have a nice nap?" he asked.

"It was ok but too long. I didn't even mean to fall asleep." she said.

"Sometimes those things just happen." Frank said.

"Yeah. When you least expect them." she said.

Shelby and John walked up the hallway to the bedroom together. She sat down on the bed. John sat down deside her. She was looking out the window at Tommy's house. There weren't any cars in the driveway. Tommy wasn't home yet. John's phone rang and he answered it.

"Hello. Yeah, she's right here waiting. Ok, I'll tell her. Goodbye." was John's side of the conversation.

John turned to Shelby and said, "Cheryl's on her way. Go get in the shower."

She grabbed her shampoo and booked to the bathroom. She turned the shower on and waited. She stood infront of the mirror looking at her face.

"I don't know why I need make up. I look fine without it." she thought.

She tested the water and then jumped in. While she was showering, her mind never stopped wondering. She couldn't understand why she had to do all this if Tommy already liked her. She still didn't want to wear the dress and she hated wearing make up.

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