Chapter XL

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The 4th of July was right around the corner. John was trying to get plans together for an awesome party at home. They were having a picnic style meal then fireworks later at the lake. John had recruited Donald and Vince to get the fireworks. Shelby and Tommy were to work on the meal plan.

Shelby had the idea of hotdogs and maybe fries. Something easy to prepare so she wasn't stuck inside cooking all day. She had a surprise for dessert. She didn't even tell Tommy what she was making. She would write out a list for him or John to pick up at the store.

She was feeling much better and the scratches were going away quickly. The bruises were hanging around longer. She hated looking in the mirror as she got ready in the morning. Sometimes she wouldn't even look in the mirror when she went to the bathroom.

When the 4th had arrived, she helped Joyce cook breakfast that morning. She prepared the surprise dessert while everyone was still sleeping. She had gotten up early and really had nothing else to do. John had planned to cook the hot dogs on the grill outside. Shelby would tend to the fries inside.

Joyce and Frank had plans of their own. They weren't going to be there for the party. John invited a few other people over that he knew but too many. John sent Donald and Vince to go get ice and drinks. Tommy cleaned up the cooler and put it by the picnic table. Shelby was at the sink watching. She was preparing the potatoes for later.

Tommy walked in and asked, "How's it going?"

"Slow." she answered. "How many potatoes do I need to cut for fries?" she asked.

Tommy walked over to the sink and looked at the amount she had set out. They were peeled and sliced but not sliced for fries yet.

"That should be enough." he said and kissed her on the side of the head.

She started slicing the potatoes into fries. She sliced a few more then turned te fryer on to heat up. She sliced then fried the potatoes. Tommy came in and grabbed the hot dogs from the fridge. He didn't say anything to her. He just walked in got what he came for and walked back out.

She looked up to see John and Tommy goofing off at the grill. They were sword fighting with the grilling utensils. If they had been real swords, Tommy would have been dead already. John had stabbed him three times. She started laughing at them. She didn't know they could see her at the window.

Tommy walked up, banged on the window causing her to jump and yelled, "What's so damned funny?"

"Nothing now." she yelled back holding up her bleeding finger.

She had sliced it when she jumped. She heard footsteps behind her. Tommy helped clean and bandage her finger then he kissed it.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." he said.

"It's alright. It's not the first time I've cut myself in the kitchen." she said.

"Here, let me finish cutting the potatoes for you." he said.

"Is the fight over?" John said as he walked in.

"It is for now. Shelby cut herself.I'm going to help in here for a while." Tommy said.

"Sure thing. I'm going to go back and keep an eye on the hot dogs." John said.

There was no arguing or bickering. That was something new. Shelby noticed but didn't say a word about it.

"I guess they're doing this for me." she thought.

Tommy cut the potatoes and Shelby fried them. Donald and Vince came back with drinks and ice. Donald put the drinks in the cooler and Vince poured the ice over them. There was some ice left over. Vince took a piece and put it down John's shirt.

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