Chapter XX

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 When they arrived, John pointed out a girl at a table in back with three guys. They were laughing and having a good time.

"That's going to be you one day." John said.

"Hey! That's not nice!" she exclaimed.

John laughed and said, "What am I thinking? That's you now!"

"Now you're just being mean." she said.

"Only difference is there are four of us guys to the one girl." John laughed.

She just looked at him. she stood there thinking. He's right. She looked at them and then looked around at the other people there. The parents there looked disgusted at what was going on at the table.

"I don't want to be like that." she said.

"You'll never guess who she is." John said.

"Who is she?" she asked.

"That's Tommy's ex-girlfriend." John said. "We used to hang out with her like that. I can imagine what people thought about her back then because they still think it now."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

John leaned over and whispered, "They think she's sleeping with all three guys."

"Is she?" she asked.

"Don't know, don't care." John said.

"What about when she was with Tommy?" she asked.

"I didn't. Donald and Vince know better. I don't know about Tommy. I never asked." John said.

We paid for the food and left. We drove back to the house. She wanted to tell John about the person stopping next door last night but changed her mind. She was holding the pizzas in her lap. They smelled so good.

"I'm getting hungry." she said.

"They smell good don't they." John said.

"Yeah. I want to eat them now." she said.

"We'll be back at the house in a few minutes. You'll just have to wait." John said.

They made it back to the house and pulled in. They got out and went in. Everybody went to the kitchen table to eat. John sat next to her so they could talk.

"We'll finish talking but we need to be quiet." John said.

"Do I really act like her?" she asked.

"Yeah, you do. I'm sorry to say it so bluntly." John said.

"Is that why Tommy likes me?" she asked.

"Probably." John said.

"Did I act like that when I first met him?" she asked.

"Not so much at first but when you were in the car, yeah. He goes for that type. You know, the wrong kind of girl." John said.

"I don't want to be the wrong kind of girl." she said.

"Just think about how she was acting at the pizza parlor and don't act like that." John said.

"Too friendly?" she asked.

"Yeah, way too friendly." John said. "It's ok when no one else is around but definitely don't do it infront of adults."

"They take it wrong." she said.

"It makes you look bad." John said.

"Even if you don't mean to." she said.

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