Chapter XXII

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John pulled into the driveway. Before he could kill the car, she jumped out and ran inside. She went straight to the bedroom she was staying in and shut the door.

She changed into her night gown. She climbed into bed and kept right on crying. She looked out the window watching. Every so often, she would wipe the tears away.

There was a knock on the door. She didn't say anything. There was another knock on the door. She said nothing again.

"I know you're in there. May I come in?" Tommy asked.

She had expected John or somebody else not Tommy. That's why she didn't see him go home. He hadn't left yet.

"I guess so." she said.

He opened the door and walked in. He closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed. She was in bed facing the window. He walked around the bed. She looked up at him. She was still crying.

"Can I sit down?" he asked.

She moved to give him room. He sat down but he didn't face her.

"I'm sorry I left you alone at the theater." he said.

She didn't say anything. She waited to see if he said anything else. He apparently had nothing else to say. He stood up and walked out the room. She laid there watching out the window for Tommy to go home.

She saw him walk across the yard and enter the house. She saw the light turn on in his bedroom. She waited to see him in the window of his room. The light went back off.

She put her face in the pillow and cried. She knew now what John had meant. She had fallen for him without realizing it. Now, she wasn't sure if he even liked her or not. She raised up and looked out the window. Every so often, she would wipe a tear away. She closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep.

"Tomorrow is Monday. They'll go to work and I'll find something to do. I'll be just fine." she thought.

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